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JFrog Access provides JFrog Products with access tokens as a flexible means of authentication with a wide range of capabilities:

  • Cross-instance authentication
    Access tokens can be used for authentication, not only by the instance or cluster where they were created, but also for other instances and clusters that are all part of the same "circle of trust" (described below).
  • User and non-user authentication
    The case for authenticating users is clear, however access tokens can also be assigned to non-user entities such as CI server jobs.

  • Time-based access control
    Access tokens have an expiry period so you can control the period of time for which you grant access. However, you may also delegate that control to the receiving user by making them refreshable

  • Flexible scope
    Byassigning Groups to tokens, you can control the level of access they provide.

  • Pairing tokens
    Manage connections betweendifferent JFrog microservices.

WebUI Changes implemented in Artifactory 7.38.x and above

Identity and Access is now called User Management. All the relevant text and images on this page have been updated to reflect this change.

Access Token Structure

An access token has the following properties:

The user to which this access token is associated. If the user specified does not exist, the system will create a corresponding transient user. Administrators can assign a token to any subject (user); non-admin users who create tokens can only assign tokens to themselves.

Since 7.21.1, access tokens arescoped tokens.Access to the REST API is always provided by default; in addition, you may specify the group memberships that the token provides. Administrators can set any scope, while non-admin users can only set the scope to a subset of the groups to which they belong.

The supported scopes include:

  • applied-permissions/user - provides user access.If left at the default setting, the token will be created with the user-identity scope, which allowsusers to identify themselves in the Platform but does not grant any specific access permissions.
  • applied-permissions/admin - the scope assigned to admin users.
  • applied-permissions/groups - this scope assigns permissions to groups using the following format:applied-permissions/groups:[,...]
  • system:metrics:r- for getting the service metrics
  • system:livelogs:r - for getting the service livelogsr

分配到t范围he token should be provided as a space-separated list of scope tokens, limited to 500 characters.

The set of instances or clusters on which the token may be used identified by their Service IDs. The Service ID is a unique, internally generated identifier of a JFrog service or cluster and, in the case of Artifactory, is obtained throughGet Service IDREST API endpoint.
一个标识符的集群访问token was created
The date and time when the token will expire.
Issued At
The date and time when the token was created.
The token ID

Access tokens are managed either throughREST API, as described below, or through the JFrog Platform Access Token UI.

Page Contents

Token Certificates

Token certificates are thekey pair, comprised of the private and root certificates, which is used to sign and validate tokens.Theprivate.keyis used to sign access tokens and theroot.crtis the matching public key, used to verify the token's signatures.

Theroot.crtwill disappear from the target's trusted folder and will be placed in the Artifactory database.

Resetting Token Certificates

Administrators can force Access to reset a token certificate.

To reset the token certificate:

  1. Create a file namedreset_root_keysand place it under the/bootstrap/etc/.access/keys/ directory.
  2. Reset the Artifactory service.

Resetting the token certificate will effectively revoke all of the tokens that have been generated. If you want to reset your certificates but maintain the token that were created previously, you will need to copy the oldroot.crtinto the trusted directory:/var/etc/access/keys/trusted.

Certificates in HA - Key Pair Propagation in an Existing HA Cluster

When using certificates in High Availability clusters, theprivate.keyandroot.keyare propagated automatically and are updated between the cluster nodes.

Using Tokens

There are several ways you can use access tokens for authentication.

Basic Authentication

An access token can be used instead of a password for basic authentication. This may be useful when you need a client (such as certain dependency managers) that only supports basic authentication to access Artifactory. In this case, it is important to access Artifactory using the same user name provided when creating the token (with-d "username=").

For example, to use an access token as a password to ping JFrog Platform URL, you could use:

curl -u: http://JFROG_PLATFORM_URL/router/api/v1/system/ping

Authorization Headers

An access token can be used as a bearer token in authorization headers. This is especially useful for authenticating CI servers with Artifactory instead of using credentials, since you don't need to have a user defined in Artifactory if the group provided in-d "member-of-groups:"is configured in that Artifactory instance. As a result, there is no need to manage fictitious users for your different automation tools that need access to Artifactory.

For example, to use an access token as a bearer token to ping Artifactory you could use:

curl -H"Authorization: Bearer " http://JFROG_PLATFORM_URL/router/api/v1/system/ping

Support Authentication for Non-existing Users

One of the big advantages of access tokens is the fact that you do not have to create a user in Artifactory to use them. When creating a token, you can specify a user name that does not exist, and Artifactory will create a transient user that will only exist as long as the token is valid. This can be useful when providing access to different tools such as a CI server coordinating a build without having to manage fake user accounts. This method is also more secure since you can assign a new token for each "job" that the external tool runs.

Artifactory Administrator Only

Note that this feature is only available forArtifactory administrators, since non-admin users can only create tokens with themselves as the Subject.

Generating Expirable Tokens


When creating a token, if the token expiry is set to a value smaller than therevocable-expiry-thresholdparameter specified in theAccess YAML Configuration,the token will be non-revocable.By default, the value of therevocable-expiry-thresholdparameter is set to 6 hours.

For example, if you set an expiry that is less than 6 hours, the token will not berevocableuntil it expires naturally.

You can limit the validity period of a token by setting the expiry time when generating a token. If set, the token will be valid until the expiration time will pass.
You can also set a token to be non-expirable by setting the expiry to zero, in which case it will be valid indefinitely until actively revoked.

This value is set by using the "expires_in=”参数生成令牌时(见例子in REST API section below). If not used the default value will be 3600 meaning your token will be valid for one hour.

Artifactory Administrator Only

  • Only an Artifactory administrator can change the validity period of a token to any value.
  • Non-admin users can only set the token validity period to a value that is equal or less than the maximum allowed value set by the admin.
  • From version 7.21.1, this can be specified by setting thetoken.max-expiryparameterin the$JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/artifactory/access.config.ymlfile (prior to version 7.21.1, the parameter to set
  • If thetoken.max-expiryis equal to 0 (which is the default), there is no limitation to the token expiry. However, if the maximum expiry is greater than 0, the user cannot create a non-expirable token.
  • Thetoken.max-expiryparameter must be set to a value higher than thetoken.default-expiryparameter value.

Generating Refreshable Tokens

As mentioned above, you can limit the validity period of an token by setting its expiry time. To allow extending access privileges of a token once it has expired, you can provide a refresh token which will generate a new token with the same privileges as the original one. This takes token management out of the hands of its issuer and delegates it to the user who received the token.

Who can refresh?

Only the instance (or HA cluster) that issued a refreshable token can actually refresh it.

Disabling the Option to Create Refreshable Tokens

From version, 7.21.1, anadmin can disable the option to create refreshable tokens by setting the parametertoken.allow-refreshableto false in the$JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/artifactory/access.config.ymlfile.

Grace Period for Extending an Expired Token

When a refreshable token expires, JFrog Access provides the user with a grace period that essentially extends the ability to refresh the token. This is done by using the parametertoken.refresh-expiryin the$JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/artifactory/access.config.ymlfile. The default setting for this parameter is 24 hours.


The integration ofSCIMensures that an external user who has created a token will not be able to refresh the token if they have been removed from the external authentication server.

However, if your organization hasnotenabled SCIM, an external user who has created a token will still be able to refresh it even they have been removed; therefore, it is recommended to implement SCIM in your system.

Generating Admin Tokens

Available from Artifactory version 7.4.

In general, the scope for a token is defined by specifying the groups into which the token is included, however, an Artifactory administrator can also create a token with admin privileges. This can be useful for JFrog Mission Control and JFrog Xray since both of these complementary applications require admin permissions to work seamlessly with Artifactory. With this capability, when Mission Control or Xray connect to an instance of Artifactory, they can create an admin tokens and use that for authentication instead of using basic authentication with a username and password.

To create an admin token, from the administration module, go toUser Management| Access Tokens screen | Generate Admin Token.

The services that appear in the screen above are only those services that are available in your JFrog Platform Deployment.

Generating Scoped Tokens

The User Management function of the Administration tab provides a centralized UI for managingScoped Tokens,whichare secure access tokens that provide limited and focused permissions. Scoped tokens range from identity tokens, which any user can create for themselves (seeIdentity Token), to tokens that provide admin access-level permissions.

In theAdministrationtab, go toUser Management | Access Tokens.

You can now create two types of tokens: an Admin token (which provides a range of permissions) or a User token.

Viewing the Scope of a Token

From Artifactory release 7.46.3, you can see the scope of a token in the Access Tokens UI as a column called Scope.

Creating an Admin Scoped Token

  1. From the Token scope field, selectAdmin.
  2. In the User name field, enter the name of the Admin user.
  3. In the Service field, you can either select the checkbox All or clear the All checkbox and from the list that appears in the Service field, select the services you will the add to this user's token.
  4. In the Expiration time field, set the expiration time for the token (use one of the options in the field or set a custom expiration in hours).
  5. ClickGenerateto generate the token.
    This displays the Generate Token window, which includes the username, scope, audience, expiration, token ID, and the actual token.
  6. To copy the token, click the copy icon next to it or simply clickCopy.


    Tokens generated here are not stored in the JFrog Platform for security reasons; therefore, make sure you copy the token before closing this window. Once closed the token will not be available.

Creating an Admin Scoped Reference Token

From Artifactory release 7.38.4, you can choose whether to generate an extended token (as in the screen above), or to generate a参考标记. The Reference Token is a "shortened," 128-character key, thereby providing an alias for longer token.

To support this option, the Generate Scoped Token UI includes an additional Create Reference Token checkbox.

  1. To create a Reference Token, verify that the checkbox is selected and clickGenerate.
    This displays the Generate Token window, which includes the username, scope, audience, expiration, token ID, thefull tokenand theReference token.

  2. To copy either full token or the Reference token, use the复制图标next to the token.


    Tokens generated here are not stored in the JFrog Platform for security reasons; therefore, make sure you copy the token before closing this window. Once closed the token will not be available.

Creating a User Scoped Token

  1. From the Token scope field, selectUser.
  2. Click the Users field to display a dropdown list of Artifactory users and select a user, or type the name of the user in the field to locate that user.
  3. In the Service field, you can either select the checkbox All or clear the All checkbox and from the list that appears in the Service field, select the services you will the add to this user's token.
  4. In the Expiration time field, set the expiration time for the token (use one of the options in the field or set a custom expiration in hours).
  5. ClickGenerateto generate the token.
    This displays the token window, which includes the Artifactory user's username, scope, audience, expiration, token ID, and the actual token, which you can copy by clickingCopy.

Generating Pairing Tokens

About Pairing Tokens

Available from Artifactory version 7.29.7, apairing token manages connections, by establishing trust between different JFrog microservices.The pairing token is an access token that is used for the initial pairing flow. Because the token is a limited access token, it is dedicated to a specific task and short-lived.Once trust is established, the services can continue using the standard token-based authentication for communication.

Pairing tokens replace thejoin.keythat was used in the past in the JFrog Platform to link between services. This type of token is only designed to link cross-topologies (i.e., locally, and not with in a JPD).

Pairing tokens provide pairing for a specific purpose use case. They are revocable, and are expected to be used at most once (i.e., revoked after first pairing). The default expiry setting for these tokens is 5 minutes.

  • The subject of the token is the same as the subject of the principal who requested the pairing token
  • The base URL in the extension is mandatory
  • The exchange URL in the extension is mandatory (since the token is signed, this URL can be assumed as trusted)
  • The pairing URL is optional and is used when you need to establish a two-way trust

Master Token

The result of a pairing is themaster token, which is an access token that grants the requesting service all the actions it is required to do on the issuing service, based on the given use case. The master token is usually a strong access token that can be used for several operations and is usually a long-lived token. An admin user can revoke trust by revoking this token.

Supported Pairing Tokens

Pairing tokens enable you to connect between the following:

  • Between yourJFrog Platform Deployment (JPD) / edge and a remote JFrog Mission Control service.The subject of the token is the same as the subject of the principal who requested the pairing token.
  • Between two JPDs (two Artifactory instances) that will be used to create a JFrog Cold Storage; in this case the pairing token that is generated will be used for the API binding process.

Pairing Tokens to Bind a JPD and a Mission Control Microservice

  1. In theAdministrationtab, go toUser Management | Access Tokens | Pairing Token.
  2. In the Generate Pairing Token for field, selectMission Control (for JPDs).
  3. ClickGenerateto generate the token.
    This displays the token window, which includes the token's expiration (in seconds, set by default to 300 seconds = 5 minutes), the token ID, and the actual token, which you can copy by clickingCopy.

Pairing Tokens to Set up Cold Storage (Using the API)

  1. In theAdministrationtab, go toUser Management | Access Tokens | Pairing Token.
  2. In the Generate Pairing Token for field, selectCold Storage.
  3. ClickGenerateto generate the token.
  4. This displays the token window, which includes the token's expiration (in seconds, set by default to 300 seconds = 5 minutes), the token ID, and the actual token, which you can copy by clickingCopy.
  5. Next, use the token you generated above and follow the steps inSetting Up Cold Artifact Storage Using APIs.

Viewing and Revoking Tokens

Any token created with expiry greater than therevocable-expiry-thresholdparameter can be revoked using theRevoke TokenREST API endpoint or in theAccess Tokenspage in the UI. Note that you can only revoke a token on the instance (or cluster) that issued it unless that instance is part of an Access Federation setup (which requires an Enterprise+ license).

Since 7.21.1, access tokens are scoped tokens. Access to the REST API is always provided by default; in addition, you may specify the group memberships that the token provides. Administrators can set any scope, while non-admin users can only set the scope to a subset of the groups to which they belong. SeeAccess Token Structurefor details.

A token with an expiry specified will lapse automatically upon reaching its expiry period.

A token that is not expirable (i.e., was created with itsexpires_inparameter set to 0) must be actively revoked to terminate its usage.

To revoke an access token:

  1. From theAdministrationmodule, selectUser Management|Access Tokens.
  2. From the list, select an access token and clickRevoke.

Circle of Trust (Cross-Instance Authentication)

Access tokens support cross-instance authentication through a "circle of trust", which is established by sharing a public certificate among all participating instances. In essence, a circle of trust means that a service will verify access token signatures against all trusted certificates, including ones generated by other services and set as 'trusted' as part of the circle of trust.

It is up to the service administrator to make sure that all participating instances are equipped with the certificates. This means that any instance can generate a token to be used with any other instance within the circle of trust.

Why do I Need a Circle of Trust?

一个圆的信任是必需的,当你有一个三星es of JPDs that need to be accessed using a single set of credentials. For example, a single build agent that needs to upload and download from two JPD instances. By creating a circle of trust, you can ensure that one JPD instance will trust another instance’s tokens. This is achieved by sharing the public token certificate between all instances within the circle.

Trusted certificates can be loaded and removed while the server is running, and do not require a restart.

Cross instance authentication

How to Establish a Circle of Trust

To establish a "Circle of Trust" between JFrog services, you will need to exchange the public token certificate between the services.

Services that are within the circle of trust have complete admin privileges on each other. To exchange the certificates, you need to copy a service’s root certificate to another service’s$JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/access/keys/trustedfolder.

The service's root certificate can be acquired in the following ways:

  • found under$JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/access/keys/root.crt(requires physical access to the server)
  • by calling theGet Root CertificateREST API

Theroot.crtwill disappear from the target's trusted folder and will be placed in the Artifactory database.

Trust can be created between multiple services: you need to make sure that all participating instances in the circle of trust are equipped with the relevant public keys (root certificate). Note that a trust can be unidirectional or bidirectional. The service watches a directory of trusted public keys and reloads the keys when it needs to verify a token

Renaming the source service’s certificate

Since trust can be created between multiple services, you should rename each source service’s certificate with a meaningful name. For example, if one service named “us-east” should be trusted by another service named “us-west”, then$JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/access/keys/root.crtfrom us-east, should be copied to$JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/access/keys/trusted/us-east.crton us-west.

Use the same Artifactory userid and groupid

Make sure you give the same Artifactoryuseridandgroupidto the root certificate in the trusted folder ($ARTIFACTORY_HOME/access/etc/keys/trusted/*) by comparing to the other files from the previous folder ($ARTIFACTORY_HOME/access/etc/keys/).

Security Restrictions

To make the JFrog access tokens as secure as possible, there are a few pre-configured values that JFrog uses out-of-the-box that ensure that tokens are managed and can only be used for the right purposes:

  • Scope: If the token scope is a user or a group, you must ensure that that user or group exists on all servers in the circle of trust.
  • Revocability: For security purposes, the JFrog Platform is deployed with default configurations that set every token to be revocable. However, revocable tokensdo not work in a circle of trust. This is because revocable tokens are validated against the Access database; with a circle of trust each instance has its own database. Therefore, if a token created in one instance cannot be against the database of another (i.e., the system will assume the token has been revoked, and the authentication will fail).
  • Token type: The following types of tokens are not supported in a Circle of Trust:
    • 不支持引用标记在一圈trust (they always require the token to be in the instance’s database).
    • UI-generated tokens: Tokens created via the User Profile page are reference tokens and are not supported in a circle of trust.
  • Duration: Because the supported tokens must be defined as non-revocable, Circle of Trust tokens must have an expiry that is less than therevocable-expiry-thresholdparameter set in theaccess.config.yaml(you can see the default in the access.config.yaml). Be aware that this threshold has a special value "-1"; when set, all the tokens that have an expiry will be non-revocable. This setting is more comfortable to use in a Circle of Trust but it is less secure (as the expiry might be set for years).


By default, only the issuing instance can refresh a token. For synchronizing tokens across services, seeAccess Federation.


All management of access tokens is done via REST API through the endpoints described below.

Get Root Certificate

Receive public root certificate for the server.For details, refer to the JFrog Artifactory REST API documentation forGet Root Certificate

Create Token

Creates an access token.For details, refer to the JFrog Artifactory REST API documentation forCreate Token, which also includes the different types of scopes that can be assigned to the access token (for example, pairing tokens, etc.)

Refresh Token

Refresh an access token to extend its validity. If only the access token and the refresh token are provided (and no other parameters), this pair is used for authentication. If username or any other parameter is provided, then the request must be authenticated by a token that grants admin permissions.For details, refer to the JFrog Artifactory REST API documentation forRefresh Token.

Revoke Token

Revokes an access token by ID.For details, refer to the JFrog Artifactory REST API documentation forRevoke Token.

Get Service ID

Provides the service ID of an Artifactory instance or cluster.For details, refer to the JFrog Artifactory REST API documentation forGet Service ID.

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