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JFrog Platform User Guide

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JFrog Distribution can be installed onsupported Linux platforms.

Using RPM?

For an RPM installation, please ensure the following conditions hold:

  • JFrog Distribution must be installed on a different machine from JFrog Artifactory.
  • The SELinux policy must either be permissive or disabled
  • The umask (user file creation mode mask) must have a default setting of 0022, 022, 0002 or 002
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Using a third-party log collector

To use an external log collector that requires a separate user for Distribution (e.g. Sumologic, Splunk), you can adjust the permissions on the$DISTRIBUTION_DATA/logsfolder to allow the the log collection service to perform read operations on the generated log files as follows:

  • Add the log collection service user to the relevant group if needed (the user and group that installed and started Distribution)
  • Apply the user and group permissions as needed on the$DISTRIBUTION_DATA/logsdirectory using:

    $ chmod -R 640 $DISTRIBUTION_DATA/logs
  • Adjust the group read inheritance permissionssetgid bitusing:

    $ chmod -R 755 $DISTRIBUTION_HOME/data/logs

    This will cause the generated log files to inherit the folder's group permissions.

The Distribution Linux installation follows standard conventions and installs Distribution in the following folders:

Application files
Data files


The installation script will prompt you for an optional alternative location.

Log files


Distribution will rotate and compress old log files.

Log configuration files
PostgreSQL home directory


Redis home directory

The installation instructions for all of the supported flavors of Linux are the same.As a pre-requisite, you must have Java 8 installed.

Note:In all of the instructions below, replace theplace-holder with one ofcentos,debian,ubuntuorredhataccording to the flavor of Linux on which you are operating.

  1. Extract the downloaded installation archive

    tar -xzf distribution--latest.tar.gz
  2. Run the installation script
    (If you are not running as "root", prepend the following command with "sudo")


    Using External Databases

    JFrog Distributionuses several databases for different features of its operation.

    Distributiongives you the option of using your ownPostgreSQLdatabase if you have these already installed and in use in your organization.

    For more details, please refer toUsing External Databases.

Upgrading on Linux

For instructions on how to upgrade an existing installation, please refer toUpgrading Distribution.

Interacting with the Linux Installer

Make sure Distribution fully started

Verify all the required Distribution components and connected databases are up and running using the following command:

./ status all

Use the below command to start all Distribution components:

./ start all

It is also possible to exclude the 'all' flag which will make the script run or check only for the runningDistributionservices (without the databases) as follows:

./ status ./ start


The installation script offers facilities for maintenance. Run the following commands as "root" or prepend them with "sudo".



can take one of the following values:

Start the service
Stop the service
Restart the service
Display the service status (e.g. running, stopped...)
Displays version information for each service
Deploy the service (only available for the distribution service)
删除服务(仅用于distribution service)

Optional. When omitted, the command only applies to the Distribution service.

Apply the command to all services
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