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Filestore Overview

The filestore is where Artifactory physically stores the binaries. Artifactory uses the filestore in conjunction with the database to manage binary storage. For more information on database, seeCommon Resources.

你可以人age filestore through the binarystore.xml configuration file located in the $JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/artifactory folder. You can modify this file to implement a variety of storage configurations including basic and customizable local and network based file-systems, cloud storage, and redundant storage.

In addition to using different storage providers, you can also chain a series of storage providers together to build complex and scalable binary storage setups.

Review管理你的最佳实践Artifactory文件torebefore you proceed to configure the filestore.

Take care when you modify binarystore.xml

Making changes to this file may result in losing binaries stored in Artifactory!

If you are not sure of what you are doing, contactJFrog Supportfor assistance.

Binary Provider

A binary provider is a storage element that is based onchecksum-based storage system. You can use one or more binary providers to build your storage setup.

The binarystore.xml file can include a chain with a set of binary providers. You can embed binary providers into one another to formthat represent a coherent filestore.

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Artifactory includes the following default binarystore.xmlconfiguration.

  • The wrapper element containing achainelement. The binarystore.xml must start and end with this element.
  • The structure of the filestore. To use one of the built-in filestores, the chain element needs to include the corresponding template attribute.

Thetag is a marker element for versioning configurations. It does not affect Artifactory's settings.

Chain Templates

The following sections describe the basic chain templates come built-in with Artifactory and are ready for you to use out-of-the-box, as well as other binary providers that are included in the default chains.

Click on the template name to navigate to the corresponding binary provider template.


The most basic filestore configuration for Artifactory used for a local or mounted filestore.


Works the same way as filesystem but also caches download requests that are cleaned up using an LRU (Least Recently Used) protocol. Improves performance of instances with high IOPS (I/O Operations) or slow NFS access.


All the metadata and the binaries are stored as blobs in the Artifactory database with an additional layer of caching.

All the metadata and the binaries are stored as blobs in the Artifactory database without caching.

A file store configuration to use S3 Cloud Storage using the official Amazon SDK.

You can optimize the JFrog Platform for the download of large binaries, such as Docker images, from cloud storage, by delegating its function as a registry so it responds to download requests with a link. For more information, seeDirect Cloud Storage Download.


A file store configuration where data is temporarily stored on the file system of each node using theEventual-Cluster Binary Provider, and is then passed on to your S3 object storage for persistent storage

You can optimize the JFrog Platform for the download of large binaries, such as Docker images, from cloud storage, by delegating its function as a registry so it responds to download requests with a link. For more information, seeDirect Cloud Storage Download.

A file store configuration to use multiple S3 buckets in a sharded configuration.
A file store configuration thatallows directly uploading to S3, bypassing the eventual upload mechanism.
The google-storage-v2 template is used for configuring Google Cloud Storage as the remote filestore using the Google native client.
This is the setting used for Azure Blob Storage as the remote filestore.

A pure sharding configuration that uses two physical mounts with one copy, which results in each artifact saved only once.

A pure sharding configuration that uses two physical mounts with two copies, which results in each shard storing a copy of each artifact.
A filestore configuration where each node has its own local filestore (just like the file-system chain) and is connected to all other nodes through dynamically allocated Remote Binary Providers using the Sharding-Cluster provider.
This is the setting used forGoogle Cloud Storagein a cluster configuration as the remote filestore.

This is the setting used for Azure Blob Storage. It is based on the sharding and dynamic provider logic that synchronizes the cluster-file-system.

Modifying an Existing Chain Template

To accommodate any specific requirements you may have for your filestore, modify one of the existing chain templates either by extending it with additional binary providers or by overriding one of its attributes.

For example, the built-in filesystem chain template stores binaries under the$JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/data/artifactory/filestore目录中。To modify the template so that it stores binaries under$FILESTORE/binariesyou could extend it as follows:


Configuring a Custom Filestore From Scratch

In addition to the built-in filestore chain templates below, you may construct custom chain template to accommodate any filestore structure you need.
Since the different binary providers in the filestore must be compatible with each other, misconfiguration might lead to data loss.For configuring a custom filestore, contactJFrog Support.

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