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TheCreateReleaseBundleis a native step that produces aRelease Bundlefor distribution to anArtifactory Edge Node.The step can be used to create a signed or unsigned releasebundle. When thesigntag is set astruein your yaml, this step saves artifact information to support signed pipelines.

Page Contents

YAML Schema

YAMLschema for DockerBuild native step is as follows:

pipelines: - name:  steps: - name:  type: CreateReleaseBundle configuration: #inherits all the tags from bash; // releaseBundleName:  releaseBundleVersion:  dryRun:  # default true sign:  # default false description:  # optional failOnValidate:  # optional (Signed Pipelines must be enabled) releaseNotes: # optional content:  # "markdown|asciidoc|plain_text" syntax:  # required in releaseNotes inputResources: - name:  # one or more BuildInfo, or - name:  # one Aql outputResources: - name:  execution: onStart: - echo "Preparing for work..." onSuccess: - echo "Job well done!" onFailure: - echo "uh oh, something went wrong" onComplete: #always - echo "Cleaning up some stuff"



Analphanumericstring (underscores are permitted) that identifies the step.


Must beCreateReleaseBundlefor this step type.


Specifies all configuration selections for the step's execution environment.This step inherits theBash/PowerShellstep configuration tags, including these pertinenttags:


Description of usage



Must specifyeithera namedBuildInforesource(s)oranAqlresource. CreateReleaseBundle step does not accept other input resources.

If BuildInfoinputResourcesare provided, the query for the release bundle is constructed using thebuildName,buildNumber, andtargetRepoof each BuildInfo input.


Must specifyaReleaseBundleresource.

Thename,version, andisSignedsettings in the output ReleaseBundle are updated to the step'sreleaseBundleName,releaseBundleVersion, andsignvalues respectively (or any environment variable values that replaced environment variable placeholders for those values).


In addition, these tags can be defined to support the step's native operation:

来自本地所有步骤Bashstep. This means that all steps share the same base set of tags from Bash, while native steps have their own additional tags as well that support the step's particular function. So it's important to be familiar with theBashstep definition, since it's the core of the definition of all other steps.


Description of usage

releaseBundleName An alphanumeric name for the release bundle. Required
releaseBundleVersion Version string for the release bundle. Required

When set totrueparse and validate only to test whether a release bundle version can be created.

Default istrue.


Specifies whether the release bundle version will be signed as part of this step.

Default is false.

GPG Signing Key Passphrase

When configuringsign=true, and when your Distribution release bundleGPG signing keyis passphrase protected, remember to provide the GPG Signing Key Passphrase when creating/updating yourDistribution Integration.

description Description of the release bundle. Optional

Describes the release notes for the release bundle version.

syntaxspecifies the format of release notes:plain_text,markdown, orasciidoc. Default isplain_text.

contentis the release notes string in the specified syntax format. Use the|character to denote a string preserving newlines.


Fail the step if one of the signatures of theBuildInfoinput resource artifacts cannot be verified.

Default isfalse.

Optional (Signed Pipelinesmust be enabled)


Declares collections of shell command sequences to perform for pre- and post-execution phases:

Tag Description of usage Required/Optional
onStart Commands to execute in advance of the native operation Optional
onSuccess Commands to execute on successful completion Optional
onFailure Commands to execute on failed completion Optional
onComplete Commands to execute on any completion Optional

The actions performed for theonExecutephase are inherent to this step type and may not be overridden.


The following examples show which settings to configure for a few different release bundles.

Unsigned Release Bundle Created using BuildInfo Resource

A simple, unsigned release bundle created using a BuildInfo resource. In this case, the release bundle version will be the run number and will have no description or release notes.

模板:真正的价值#当地所需的模板esFilePath: ./values.yml resources: # Build info of first build to bundle - name: gosvc_promoted_build_info type: BuildInfo configuration: sourceArtifactory: {{ .Values.myArtifactoryIntegration }} buildName: svc_build buildNumber: 1 # Build info of second build to bundle - name: appl_promoted_build_info type: BuildInfo configuration: sourceArtifactory: {{ .Values.demoArtifactoryIntegration }} buildName: backend_build buildNumber: 1 # Release bundle - name: release_bundle type: ReleaseBundle configuration: sourceDistribution: {{ .Values.distributionIntegration }} name: demo_rb version: v1.0.0 # Signed version of the same release bundle - name: signed_bundle type: ReleaseBundle configuration: sourceDistribution: {{ .Values.distributionIntegration }} name: demo_rb version: v1.0.0 # Distribution rules - name: distribution_rules type: DistributionRule configuration: sourceDistribution: {{ .Values.distributionIntegration }} serviceName: "*" siteName: "*" cityName: "*" countryCodes: - "CN" - "GB" pipelines: - name: demo_release_mgmt steps: - name: bundle type: CreateReleaseBundle configuration: releaseBundleName: demo_rb releaseBundleVersion: v1.0.${run_number} dryRun: false sign: false description: "some random test description" inputResources: - name: gosvc_promoted_build_info trigger: true - name: appl_promoted_build_info trigger: true outputResources: - name: release_bundle releaseNotes: syntax: markdown content: | ## Heading * Bullet * Points - name: sign type: SignReleaseBundle configuration: inputResources: - name: release_bundle outputResources: - name: signed_bundle - name: distribute type: DistributeReleaseBundle configuration: dryRun: false inputResources: - name: signed_bundle - name: distribution_rules

Create and Sign Release Bundle

Create and immediately sign a release bundle, with a description and release notes added to the release bundle.

pipelines: - name: createReleaseBundlePipeline steps: - name: createReleaseBundleStep type: CreateReleaseBundle configuration: releaseBundleName: myReleaseBundle releaseBundleVersion: "${run_number}" dryRun: false sign: true description: "My release bundle" releaseNotes: syntax: plain_text content: "Release of ${run_number} by ${step_name}" inputResources: - name: myBuildInfo outputResources: - name: myReleaseBundle

Trigger a Dry Run

Trigger a dry run of the release bundle creation. No release bundle will be created.

pipelines: - name: createReleaseBundlePipeline steps: - name: createReleaseBundleStep type: CreateReleaseBundle configuration: releaseBundleName: myReleaseBundle releaseBundleVersion: "${run_number}" dryRun: true inputResources: - name: myBuildInfo outputResources: - name: myReleaseBundle

How it Works

When you use theCreateReleaseBundlenative step in a pipeline, it performs the following functions in the background:

  • jfrog rt config (configure cli with the integration in the input resource)
  • jfrog rt curl (get the Artifactory service_id)
  • validate_artifact (use the signed pipelines feature to verify the incoming BuildInfo)
  • Create the release bundle creation payload (the JSON object that will be in the request to Distribution)
  • curl (send the release bundle creation payload to Distribution)
  • write_output (update the output ReleaseBundle resource)
  • save_artifact_info (if the bundle was signed, save the data for use with signed pipelines)
  • No labels
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