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ADistributionRuleresource is the set of Destination rules that can be applied todistributing a release bundleusing JFrog Distribution.

Page Contents

YAML Schema

2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程资源:名称:< string> type: DistributionRule configuration: sourceDistribution:  serviceName:  # required, only when used with Distribution 1.x siteName:  cityName:  countryCodes: -  - 



Analphanumericstring (underscores are permitted) that identifies the resource.


Must beDistributionRulefor this resource type.


Specifies all configuration selections for the resource.



sourceDistribution The name of aDistribution Integration. Required
siteName The Artifactory Edge Node site name specified with a wildcard pattern. Required
cityName The Artifactory Edge Node city name with a wildcard pattern. Required
countryCodes The Artifactory Edge Node country codes. Required
serviceName The Artifactory Edge Node service name with a wildcard pattern. Required only when used with Distribution v.1.

Environment Variables

Whenever DistributionRule is used in a step, a set of environment variables is automatically made available that you can use in your step.

Environment Variable


res__name Name of the resource
res__servicename The Artifactory Edge Node service name
res__sitename The Artifactory Edge Node site name
res__cityname The Artifactory Edge Node city name
res__countrycodes The Artifactory Edge Node country codes


resources: # Build info of first build to bundle - name: gosvc_promoted_build_info type: BuildInfo configuration: sourceArtifactory: myArtifactory buildName: svc_build buildNumber: 1 # Build info of second build to bundle - name: appl_promoted_build_info type: BuildInfo configuration: sourceArtifactory: demoArt buildName: backend_build buildNumber: 1 # Release bundle - name: release_bundle type: ReleaseBundle configuration: sourceDistribution: myDist name: demo_rb version: v1.0.0 # Signed version of the same release bundle - name: signed_bundle type: ReleaseBundle configuration: sourceDistribution: myDist name: demo_rb version: v1.0.0 # Distribution rules - name: distribution_rules type: DistributionRule configuration: sourceDistribution: myDist serviceName: "*" siteName: "*" cityName: "*" countryCodes: - "CN" - "GB" pipelines: - name: demo_release_mgmt steps: - name: bundle type: CreateReleaseBundle configuration: releaseBundleName: demo_rb releaseBundleVersion: v1.0.${run_number} dryRun: false sign: false description: "some random test description" inputResources: - name: gosvc_promoted_build_info trigger: true - name: appl_promoted_build_info trigger: true outputResources: - name: release_bundle releaseNotes: syntax: markdown content: | ## Heading * Bullet * Points - name: sign type: SignReleaseBundle configuration: inputResources: - name: release_bundle outputResources: - name: signed_bundle - name: distribute type: DistributeReleaseBundle configuration: dryRun: false inputResources: - name: signed_bundle - name: distribution_rules

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