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JFrog Artifactory Edge (an "Edge node") is an edition of JFrog Artifactory whose available features have been customized to serve the primary purpose of distributing software to a runtime such as a data center, a point-of-sale or even a mobile device. All packages hosted in an Edge node arepart of a Release Bundlewhich is a secure and immutable collection of software packages that make up a release to be provisioned or can be uploaded using direct file upload through the UI or REST API.

Distributing Release BundlesREST API can be found here.

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Page Contents

Installing an Edge Node

Before You Get Started

Establish a Circle of Trust

An Edge node can only receive Release Bundles from an Artifactory service if they are both within the same circle oftrust. Once you have completed the installation of the Edge node, make sure to add it to the circle of trust for any Artifactory service from which it should receive Release Bundles. To learn how to establish a circle of trust, please refer toEstablishing the Circle of Trustin the JFrog Access User Guide.

Installing Artifactory Edge Using Linux Archive

Edge Installation Options

The process of installing an Edge node isidenticalto installing any other Artifactory instance. The following section details the process of installing Artifactory using Linux Archivea popular installation option. For other Artifactory installation options, seeInstalling Artifactory.

李nux Archive Installation

  1. 创建一个目录和移动downloa JFrog回家ded installer archive into that directory, for example:

    mkdir jfrog mv jfrog-artifactory---linux.tar.gz jfrog cd jfrog

  2. Set the JFrog Home environment variable

    export JFROG_HOME=

    To learn more about thesystem variable JFROG_HOME, click below.

    Product Environment Variable


    RPM/Debian Docker Container Docker Host
    JFrog Home JFROG_HOME

    /opt/jfrog /opt/jfrog ROOT_DATA_DIR*
    Note: Defined and customized in the.envfile


    //app /opt/jfrog//app /opt/jfrog//app -


    //var /var/opt/jfrog//var*1.
    Note: symbolic link
    /var/opt/jfrog//var ROOT_DATA_DIR/var*


    1.Customizing the RPM/DebianJFrog product data

    There are 2 ways to customize the data folder:

    1. Manual Option: Createa symbolic link from your custom folders to the default folders. For example,$JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/mnt/artifactory/var.
    2. Environment Variable Option: Set the JF_PRODUCT_VAR environment variable to point to a custom location in your system's environment variables files. SeeUbuntu System environment variablesfor reference.

    Generic Directory Layout

    This is a generic directory layout for all JFrog products.

    JFROG_HOME └──  ├── app │ ├── bin │ ├── run │ ├── doc │ ├──  │ │ ├── java │ │ ├── yq │ │ └── others │ └──  │ │ ├── bin │ │ └── lib │ └── misc │ └── var ├── backup │ └──  ├── bootstrap │ └──  ├── data │ └──  ├── etc │ ├── system.yaml │ ├──  │ └── security │ └──master.key │ └──join.key ├── log │ └──  │ └── archived │ └──  └── work └── 

  3. Extract the contents of the compressed archive and move it into the artifactory directory.

    tar -xvf jfrog-artifactory---linux.tar.gz mv artifactory-- artifactory
  4. Customize the product configuration (optional)including database, Java Opts, and filestore.
  5. Run Artifactory as a foreground, background process, or as a service.
    As a Process
    Run Artifactory as a foreground or daemon process: When when running as a foreground process, the console will be locked and the process can be stopped at any time.

    Foreground Process
    Daemon Process
    $JFROG_HOME/artifactory/app/bin/artifactoryctl start

    Manage the process.

    $JFROG_HOME/artifactory/app/bin/artifactoryctl check|stop

    As a Service

    Artifactory is packaged as an archive file with a bundled Tomcat, and a complete install script that can be used to install it as a service running under a custom user. Currently supported on Linux and Solaris systems.

    OS User Permissions

    When running Artifactory as a service, the installation script creates a user called artifactorywhich must have run and execute permissions on the installation directory.

    It is recommended to extract the Artifactory download file into a directory that gives run and execute permissions to all users such as/opt.

    To install Artifactory as a service, browse to the$JFROG_HOME/artifactory/app/bindirectory and execute the following command as root:

    # USER (optional) - the user you want application to run as (default = artifactory) # GROUP (optional) - the group with which the application will run as. (default = artifactory) $JFROG_HOME/artifactory/app/bin/installService.sh [USER [GROUP]]

    To manage the service, usesystemdorinit.dcommands depending on your system.

    Using systemd
    systemctl  artifactory.service
    Using init.d
    service artifactory 

    If Artifactory is running, you should see itspid, if not, you will see a list of environment variables used by the service.

  6. Access Artifactory from your browser at:http://SERVER_HOSTNAME:8082/ui/.For example, on your local machine:http://localhost:8082/ui/.
  7. Check Artifactory Log.

    tail -f $JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/log/console.log

    Configuring the Log Rotation of the Console Log

    Theconsole.logfile can grow quickly since all services write to it.

Adding an Edge Node

After installing Artifactory using the steps above, use the following steps to add theArtifactoryEdge node.

Step 1: Optional: Enable the Replicator on Both Instances

The Replicator is a process that optimizes replication when distributing software with JFrog Distribution.You can enable a Replicator on both Artifactory instances. SeeReplicator Installation and Activationfor more information.

Step 2: Establish a Circle of Trust

An Edge node can only receive Release Bundles from an Artifactory service if they are both within the same circle of trust. Establish a circle of trust by copying the rootcrtfrom the source Artifactory to the trusted keys folder of the edge instance. For more information, seeEstablishing a Circle of Trust.

Step 3: Add the Edge Node to JFrog Mission Control

Using Platform Deployments, add the Artifactory Edge node to Mission Control. For more information, seeManaging Platform Deployments.

Step 4: Add the Edge Node as a Target for Source Instancein Access Federation

Access Federation gives you control over access to all, or any subset of your services from one location by synchronizing allsecurityentities (users, groups, permissions and access tokens) between the federated services. Once access federation has been set up, you can manage all security entities in the federated services from one place. For more information, seeAccess Federation.

Step 5: Add Signing Keys to JFrog Distribution

The JFrog Platform supports signing keys to establish trust with your clients for downloading your packages from Artifactory. Signing keys consist of a public and a private key pair, which are used for signing and verifying release bundles. When installing a new Edge, you will need to propagate the public keys to the new Edge. To learn about how to add and propagate keys, seeGPG Signing.

Next step:Configuring Distribution

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