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The following is an example of a complete Mission Control system YAML file showing all the different parameters that you may configure.

Example Templates

It is recommended to use the templates availableunder$JFROG_HOME/mc/var/etc/

  • system.basic-template.yamlincludes most commonly used system configurations
  • system.full-template.yamlincludes a list of all available configurations

Mission Control is Moving to Artifactory as a Service

From JFrog Artifactory version 7.27.3, Mission Control has been integrated directly into Artifactory as a microservice. You longer need to install Mission Control to use the features it provides. Note thatto run Mission Control as a service of Artifactory, you will need set the propertymc.enabledin theArtifactory System YAML.

The metrics capabilities that were provided Mission Control will now be provided through JFrog Insight. To learn more about how to install Insight, seeInstalling Insight.

To learn more about how Mission Control has been integrated into Artifactory, seeMigrating Platform Deployments and License Buckets.

However, you can continue to use the standalone Mission Control service until the end-of-life. Standalone Mission Control will continue to receive critical fixes and security updates.


The YAML file is constructed withkeysandentities, using the followingkey: [entity]format.

  • 共享configurations specified under the shared section, are used by all micro-services.
  • Micro-servicespecific configuration are set under each micro-service section and override similar shared configurations for the specific micro-service.
Page contents

Supported Configurations


# # JFrog任务控制配置文件。# #参考t-out any field and keep correct yaml indentation simply delete the leading '#' character. configVersion: 1 ## NOTE: JFROG_HOME is a place holder for the actual root of the deployed product. ## You should replace JFROG_HOME with the real path! ## For example, in RPM install, JFROG_HOME=/opt/jfrog ## NOTE: Sensitive information like passwords and join key are encrypted on first read. ## NOTE: The provided commented key and value is the default. ## SHARED CONFIGURATIONS ## A shared section for keys across all services in this config shared: ## Base URL of the JFrog Platform Deployment (JPD) ## This is the URL to the machine where JFrog Artifactory is deployed, or the load balancer pointing to it. It is recommended to use DNS names rather than direct IPs. ## Examples: "http://jfrog.acme.com" or "" #jfrogUrl: ## Java 11 distribution to use #javaHome: "JFROG_HOME/mc/app/third-party/java" ## Shared security configuration security: ## Join key value for joining the cluster (takes precedence over 'joinKeyFile') #joinKey: "XXX" ## Join key file location #joinKeyFile: "JFROG_HOME/mc/var/etc/security/join.key" ## Master key file location ## Generated by the product on first startup if not provided #masterKeyFile: "JFROG_HOME/mc/var/etc/security/master.key" ## Maximum time to wait for key files (master.key and join.key) #bootstrapKeysReadTimeoutSecs: 120 ## Shared logging configuration logging: consoleLog: ## If true, all services' console logs willl be redirected to a common console.log #enabled: true ## Log rotation settings rotation: ## The max file size at which enforce rotation #maxSizeMb: 25 ## The number of backup files to maintain #maxFiles: 10 ## Whether to compress the backup file #compress: true ## Shared node settings node: ## A unique id to identify this node. ## Default: auto generated at startup. #id: "mc1" ## Default: auto resolved by startup script #ip: ## Default: auto resolved by startup script #name: "" ## PostgreSQL database to use with the product database: ## Note: schema for each service is different in mission control ## therefore user credentials are at service level #type: postgresql #driver: org.postgresql.Driver #url: "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mission_control" #username:  #password: password ## ElasticSearch settings elasticsearch: #url: "http://localhost:8082" #username: admin #password: admin #nodeDiscovery: false ## Default set to false, set true on elasticsearch externalize #external: false ## Add clusterSetup and set to yes on elasticsearch clustering #clusterSetup: "yes" ## Add unicast_hosts.txt file path on elasticsearch clustering #unicastFile: "" ## Add any custom environment variables to be passed to this service ## Environment variables starting with JF_ are not allowed, will be ignored with a warning if it is added env: #EXAMPLE_VAR: example-value #LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/lib64 ## Run as a given user and group ## Note : This is only considered in linux archive installation which is installed as a service ## Make sure to change ownership of JFROG_HOME/mc/app and JFROG_HOME/mc/var directory, if this is modified after install #user: jfmc #group: jfmc

Mission Control Operational Microservices

## Mission control template mc: #port: 8080 ## Mission control database settings database: #username: jfmc #password: password #schema: jfmc_server ## Max connections to the database the main connection pool can consume #maxOpenConnections: 10 ## Extra Java options to pass to the JVM. These values add to or override the defaults. #extraJavaOpts: "-Xms3g -Xmx4g" ## Add any custom environment variables to be passed to this service ## Environment variables starting with JF_ are not allowed, will be ignored with a warning if it is added env: #EXAMPLE_VAR: example-value #LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/lib64 ## Insight scheduler template insight-scheduler: #port: 8085 ## Insight scheduler database settings database: #schema: insight_scheduler #username: jfisc #password: password ## Max connections to the database the main connection pool can consume #maxOpenConnections: 10 ## Extra Java options to pass to the JVM. These values add to or override the defaults. #extraJavaOpts: "-Xms3g -Xmx4g" ## Scheduler to go standby in ha scenario when services in this node are down ha: #nodeHealthCheck: #autoKillOnMaxFailures: false ## Clients settings clients: ## Time outs and retry count for access client access: #joinRetry: 5 #connectionTimeoutSecs: 5 #socketTimeoutSecs: 45 ## Time outs and retry count for insight client insight: #tokenRetry: 5 #tokenRetryIntervalMillis: 10000 ## Add any custom environment variables to be passed to this service ## Environment variables starting with JF_ are not allowed, will be ignored with a warning if it is added env: #EXAMPLE_VAR: example-value #LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/lib64 ## Insight server template insight-server: #port: 8087 #maxThreads: 50 ## Insight server database settings database: #schema: insight_server #username: jfisv #password: password ## Max connections to the database the main connection pool can consume #maxOpenConnections: 10 ## Extra Java options to pass to the JVM. These values add to or override the defaults. #extraJavaOpts: "-Xms3g -Xmx4g" ## Clients settings clients: ## Time upto when insight-server will wait until the connection is established with the client elasticsearch: #connectionWaitTimeoutSecs: 60 searchguard: #connectionWaitTimeoutSecs: 1800 insight: #tokenRetry: 5 #tokenRetryIntervalMillis: 10000 artifactory: #connectionTimeoutSecs: 5 #socketTimeoutSecs: 180 ## Number of days to fetch the replication data from artifactory #replicationStartedAfterPeriodDays: -6 xray: #connectionTimeoutSecs: 5 #socketTimeoutSecs: 45 access: #joinRetry: 5 #joinRetryIntervalMillis: 10000 #connectionTimeoutSecs: 5 #socketTimeoutSecs: 45 distribution: #connectionTimeoutSecs: 5 #socketTimeoutSecs: 45 missioncontrol: #connectionTimeoutSecs: 5 #socketTimeoutSecs: 45 insightMetrics: #concurrentServices: 10 ## Add any custom environment variables to be passed to this service ## Environment variables starting with JF_ are not allowed, will be ignored with a warning if it is added env: #EXAMPLE_VAR: example-value #LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/lib64


#路由器模板路由器:# #分析组相关tings profiling: ## Enable profiling endpoints #enabled: true ## Corporate proxy related settings proxy: ## Proxy url for all outgoing http requests #httpUrl: "" ## Proxy url for all outgoing https requests #httpsUrl: "" ## List of target hosts to communicate with directly, bypassing the proxy. ## "localhost" will always be added to this list automatically. #ignoredHosts: #- "ignore.me.com" #- "ignore.me2.com" ## Router entry points entrypoints: ## The internal port, used by local services to communicate with the router and any other service (local and external) #internalPort: 8046 ## The external port, registered in the service registry, used by external services to communicate with services in this node #externalPort: 8082 ## An internal port used for internal Traefik (and Router) REST API #traefikApiPort: 8049 ## An internal port used for Router's gRPC API #grpcPort: 8047 ## Service registry (Access) communication settings serviceRegistry: ## Service registry (Access) TLS verification skipped if enabled #insecure: false ## Service registry (Access) request timeout #requestTimeout: 15s ## Topology related settings topology: ## Local topology settings local: ## On elasticsearch externalize - requiredServiceTypes will be "jfisc,jfisv,jfmc" #requiredServiceTypes: "jfesc,jfisc,jfisv,jfmc" ## Settings for checking the health of local services healthCheck: ## Duration between health checks #interval: 5s ## Health check request timeout #requestTimeout: 5s ## The number of consecutive successful health checks that must occur before declaring an instance healthy #healthyThreshold: 2 ## The number of consecutive failed health checks that must occur before declaring an instance unhealthy #unhealthyThreshold: 2 ## External topology settings external: ## Settings for refreshing the router with external topology from the service registry refresh: ## Refresh interval #interval: 3s ## The maximum duration a service can be considered as healthy since its last heartbeat #maxStaleHeartbeat: 30s ## Support bundle aggregation settings supportBundle: ## The maximum duration support bundle aggregation is allowed before it is automatically cancelled #aggregationTimeout: 1h ## Logging settings logging: ## Router log settings application: ## The log level: error, warning, info, debug, trace #level: "info" ## The log format: jftext, json #format: "jftext" ## Whether to include the caller information (runtime frame) #caller: false ## Whether to print the log also to stdout #console: true ## Log rotation settings rotation: #compress: true #maxSizeMb: 25 #maxAgeDays: 0 #maxFiles: 10 ## Traefik log settings traefik: ## The log level: error, warning, info, debug, trace #level: "info" ## The log format: jftext, json #format: "jftext" ## Whether to include the caller information (runtime frame) #caller: false ## Whether to print the log also to stdout #console: true ## Log rotation settings rotation: #compress: true #maxSizeMb: 25 #maxAgeDays: 0 #maxFiles: 10 ## Request log settings request: ## If true, request log will contain additional information ## This may result in a slight performance overhead #verbose: false ## Log rotation settings rotation: #compress: true #maxSizeMb: 100 #maxAgeDays: 0 #maxFiles: 10 ## Add any custom environment variables to be passed to this service ## Environment variables starting with JF_ are not allowed, will be ignored with a warning if it is added env: #EXAMPLE_VAR: example-value #LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/lib64
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