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The JFrog Platform supportsOpen Metricsfor Self-hosted customers (the functionality is not supported for JFrog Cloudcustomers).

Credentials for Accessing Open Metrics

From Artifactory version 7.21.1, an admin user can create a scoped access token usingsystem:metrics:rand use that as the credentials for getting the service metrics. The admin can create read-only access token to get metrics, which then enables anyone with the read-only token to read metrics.To learn more, seeAccess Token Structure.

To enable metrics in Artifactory, make the following configuration changes to theArtifactory System YAML.

artifactory: metrics: enabled: true

While metrics are enabledby defaultin Xray, if they are not enabled, you can make the following configuration changes to theXray System YAMLto enable them.

xray: metrics: enabled: true

To enable metrics in Insight, make the following configuration changes to the了解系统YAML.

## Insight scheduler template insight-scheduler: metrics: enabled: false ## Insight server template insight-server: metrics: enabled: false

To enable metrics in Private Distribution Network (PDN) (available from Artifactory 7.38.8 and Distribution 2.12.3),make the following configuration changes tothe PDN Serversystem.yaml.

pdnserver: metrics: enabled: true interval: 5 exclude: - prefix_1 - prefix_2

Next, to enable metrics in the PDN Node, make the following configuration changes to the PDN Nodesystem.yaml.

pdnNode: metrics: enabled: true interval: 5 exclude: - prefix_1 - prefix_2 basicAuthUsername: admin basicAuthPassword: password

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Page Contents


Artifactory Metrics

The得到开放的指标for ArtifactoryREST API returns the following metrics inOpen Metrics format.




Total Disk used by the application (Home directory)


Total Disk free
jfrt_artifacts_gc_duration_seconds Time taken by a GC run
jfrt_artifacts_gc_binaries_total Number of binaries removed by a GC run
jfrt_artifacts_gc_size_cleaned_bytes Space reclaimed by a GC run
jfrt_artifacts_gc_current_size_bytes Space occupied by Binaries after a GC run (Only for FULL GC runs)
jfrt_runtime_heap_freememory_bytes Available free memory for JVM
jfrt_runtime_heap_maxmemory_bytes Maximum memory configured for JVM
jfrt_runtime_heap_totalmemory_bytes Total memory configured for JVM memory
jfrt_runtime_heap_processors_total Total number of processors for JVM memory
jfrt_db_connections_active_total Total number of active total DB connections
jfrt_db_connections_idle_total Total number of idle DB connections
jfrt_db_connections_max_active_total Total number of maximum DB connections
jfrt_db_connections_min_idle_total Total number of min idle DB connections

Total number of available outbound HTTP connections

jfrt_http_connections_leased_total Total number of available leased HTTP connections
jfrt_http_connections_pending_total Total number of available pending HTTP connections
jfrt_http_connections_max_total Total number of maximum HTTP connections


Slow queries duration in seconds
Total number of slow queries
Total size of current storage in bytes.
Total number of active project
Number of seconds for the next run of artifacts garbage collection.

jfrt_http_connections_*metrics collects outbound HTTP connections for repositories sorted by available pool count. If you want to collect this information for more repositories, you can set the value in the file (available at$JFROG_HOME/var/etc/artifactory/) using the flag, The default and recommended value is 10. You can set the value to any integer.

Xray Metrics

TheXray MetricsREST API returns the following metrics:

Metric Description
jfxr_db_sync_started_before_seconds Seconds that passed since the last Xray DB sync started running


DB sync total running time


Seconds that passed since completed persisting new updates to the database


Seconds that passed since DB sync completed sending all impact analysis messages


Total number of Xray scanned artifacts by package type

Note: Package type is a labelpackage_type


Total number of Xray scanned components by package type

Note: Package type is a labelpackage_type


Seconds that passed since Xray server has started on the particular node
Disk usage in bytes.
app_disk_free_bytes Free space on disk in bytes
app_io_counters_read_bytes Number of bytes read by the application
app_io_counters_write_bytes Number of bytes written by the application
app_self_metrics_calc_seconds Number of seconds for calculation in metrics
app_self_metrics_total Total number of self metrics
cleanup_job_data_deleted_artifacts_in_last_batch_total Number of artifacts deleted in the last batch of the cleanup job
cleanup_job_data_processed_artifacts_total Number of artifacts processed iby the cleanup job
cleanup_job_data_processed_artifacts_in_last_batch_total Number of artifacts processed in the last batch of the cleanup job
cleanup_job_data_start_time_seconds Start time of the last cleanup job
cleanup_job_data_end_time_seconds End time of the last cleanup job
cleanup_job_data_time_taken_by_last_job_seconds Time taken to complete the last cleanup job
cleanup_job_data_deleted_artifacts_total Total number of artifacts deleted by the cleanup job
db_connection_pool_in_use_total Number of connections in use in the DB connection pool
db_connection_pool_idle_total Number of connections that are idle in the DB connection pool
db_connection_pool_max_open_total Number of connections in use in the DB connection pool.
go_memstats_heap_in_use_bytes Memory (in bytes) in use by the Go heap
go_memstats_heap_allocated_bytes Memory (in bytes) allocated to the Go heap
go_memstats_heap_idle_bytes Idle memory (in bytes) allocated to the Go heap
go_memstats_heap_objects_total Total number of objects in the Go heap
go_memstats_heap_reserved_bytes Memory (in bytes) reserved for the Go heap
go_memstats_gc_cpu_fraction_ratio GC-CPU ratio of the Go heap
go_routines_total Total number of Go routines
jfxr_jira_no_of_integrations_total Total number of Jira integrations
jfxr_jira_no_of_profiles_total Total number of Jira profiles
jfxr_jira_no_of_tickets_created_in_last_one_hour_total Total number of Jira tickets created in the last one hour
jfxr_jira_last_ticket_creation_time_seconds Time at which the last Jira ticket was created
jfxr_jira_no_of_errors_in_last_hour_total Number of Jira errors in the last hour
jfxr_jira_last_error_time_seconds Time at which the last error occurred in Jira
queue_messages_total 总数的消息在队列中


The artifactory_metrics.logwill contain system metrics such as:

  • Total disk space used
  • Total disk space free
  • Time CPU is used by the process
  • JVM available memory
  • JVM number of processors
  • DB number of active, idle, max and min connections
  • HTTP number of available, leased, pending and max connections
  • Xray DB sync running time
  • Xray total number of scanned artifacts and components
  • Xray server start time on a node

Theartifactory_metrics_events.logwill contain deduplicated metrics related to an event such as a GC run.

PDN Metrics

Metrics Log Files

The following are the two metric log files created for PDN:

  • PDN Server:$JF_PRODUCT_HOME/var/log/tracker-metrics.log
  • PDN Node:$JF_PRODUCT_HOME/var/log/distribution-node-metrics.log

ThePDN Server MetricsREST API returns the following metrics inOpen Metrics format.




所使用的tes for app home directory disk device


Free bytes for app home directory disk device
app_io_counters_error Error in the app io counter
app_self_metrics_calc_seconds Total time to collect all metrics
app_self_metrics_total Count of collected metrics
go_memstats_heap_in_use_bytes Process go heap bytes in use
go_memstats_heap_allocated_bytes Process go heap allocated bytes
go_memstats_heap_idle_bytes Process go heap idle bytes
go_memstats_heap_objects_total Process go heap number of objects
go_memstats_heap_reserved_bytes Process go heap reserved bytes
go_memstats_gc_cpu_fraction_ratio Process go cpu used by gc. value is between 0 and 1
go_routines_total Number of go-routines that currently exist
jftrk_cache_topology_metrics_peers_total_free_cache_size_bytes Peers total free cache size
jftrk_cache_topology_metrics_peers_average_cache_used_ratio Peers average cache used
jftrk_cache_topology_metrics_peers_average_cache_free_ratio Peers average cache free
jftrk_cache_topology_metrics_peers_average_max_total_cache_size_ratio Peers average max total cache size
jftrk_cache_topology_metrics_number_of_peers_total Number of peers
jftrk_cache_topology_metrics_number_of_groups_total Number of groups
jftrk_cache_topology_metrics_peers_total_cache_used_bytes Peers total cache used
jftrk_cache_topology_metrics_peers_total_max_cache_size_bytes Peers total max cache size
jftrk_downloads_files_fetched_total Total number of files downloaded in PDN
jftrk_downloads_bytes_served_total Total amount of bytes served to clients
jftrk_downloads_bytes_fetched_total Total amount of bytes downloaded in PDN
jftrk_downloads_release_bundles_total Total number of release bundles downloaded
jftrk_downloads_file_providers_avg_ratio Average number of peers to download from per file
jftrk_downloads_speed_kbps_avg_ratio Average download speed in PDN (Kbps)
jftrk_downloads_errors_total Total download errors
jftrk_downloads_files_served_total Total number of files served to clients
sys_load_15 Host load average in the last 15 minutes
sys_load_1 Host load average in the last minute
sys_load_5 Host load average in the last 5 minutes

ThePDN Node MetricsREST API returns the following metrics inOpen Metrics format.




所使用的tes for app home directory disk device


Free bytes for app home directory disk device
app_io_counters_error Error in the app io counter
app_self_metrics_calc_seconds Total time to collect all metrics
app_self_metrics_total Count of collected metrics
go_memstats_heap_in_use_bytes Process go heap bytes in use
go_memstats_heap_allocated_bytes Process go heap allocated bytes
go_memstats_heap_idle_bytes Process go heap idle bytes
go_memstats_heap_objects_total Process go heap number of objects
go_memstats_heap_reserved_bytes Process go heap reserved bytes
go_memstats_gc_cpu_fraction_ratio Process go cpu used by gc. value is between 0 and 1
go_routines_total Number of go-routines that currently exist
jfpdn_cache_metrics_cache_used_bytes Cache used bytes
jfpdn_cache_metrics_cache_maximum_files_total Cache maximum files


Cache maximum bytes


Cache used files


Average download speed in PDN (Kbps)


Total download errors


Total number of files served to clients

jfpdn_downloads_files_fetched_total Total number of files downloaded in PDN
jfpdn_downloads_bytes_served_total Total amount of bytes served to clients
jfpdn_downloads_bytes_fetched_total Total amount of bytes downloaded in PDN
jfpdn_downloads_release_bundles_total Total number of release bundles downloaded


Average number of peers to download from per file
sys_load_15 Host load average in the last 15 minutes
sys_load_1 Host load average in the last minute
sys_load_5 Host load average in the last 5 minutes
sys_memory_used_bytes Host used virtual memory
sys_memory_free_bytes Host free virtual memory

Pipelines Metrics

The following are the three metric log files created for Pipelines:

  • Open Metrics Format:
    • Pipeline API Metrics:$JF_PRODUCT_HOME/var/log/api-metrics.log
  • Non-Open Metrics Format:
    • Pipeline Reqsealer Event Metrics:$JF_PRODUCT_HOME/var/log/reqsealer-activity-event.log
    • Pipeline Sync Event Metrics:$JF_PRODUCT_HOME/var/log/pipelinesync-activity-event.log

Open Metrics Format

TheGet Pipelines Metrics DataREST API returns the following metrics inOpen Metrics format.




User CPU usage time for thethe pipelineprocess in seconds


System CPU usage time forthe pipelineprocess in seconds


Total CPU usage time for the pipeline process in seconds


Total size allocated for V8 heap segment “read_only_space”


Used size for V8 heap segment “read_only_space”


Total size allocated for V8 heap segment “new_space”


Used size for V8 heap segment “new_space”


Total size allocated for V8 heap segment “old_space”


Used size for V8 heap segment “old_space”


Total size allocated for V8 heap segment “code_space”


Used size for V8 heap segment “code_space”


Total size allocated for V8 heap segment “max_space”


Used size for V8 heap segment “max_space”


Total size allocated for V8 heap segment “large_object_space”


Used size for V8 heap segment “large_object_space”


Total size allocated for V8 heap segment “code_large_object_space”


Used size for V8 heap segment “code_large_object_space”


Total size allocated for V8 heap segment “new_large_object_space”


Used size for V8 heap segment “new_large_object_space”


Host free virtual memory


主机总与启示l memory


In Pipelines 1.24 and prior, this is calledjfpip_pipelines_per_project_count_count.

Number of Pipelines Per Project


In Pipelines 1.24 and prior, this is calledjfpip_pipelines_count_count.

Number of Total Pipelines


Messages Count for the Queue


Number of node with SUCCESS provisioned status


Number of node with CACHED provisioned status


Number of node with PROCESSING provisioned status


Number of node with FAILURE provisioned status


Number of node with WAITING provisioned status


Active Concurrent Build Count


Allowed Concurrent Build Count


Available Concurrent Build Count

Allnode.jsheap size statistics are captured using thev8.getHeapSpaceStatistics()API.


Theapi-metrics.logwill contain system metrics such as:

  • Total disk space used
  • Total disk space free
  • Time CPU is used by the process
  • Node JS Heap related information

Non-Open Metrics Format

In addition to the metrics mentioned about, Pipelines supports the following custom activity-based Event Metrics:

  • Pipeline Run & Step Events:
    For every pipeline run, two types of metrics can be found inreqsealer-activity-event.log. One entry for each step status and one entry for overall pipeline status.

    {"timestamp":"2022-04-05T08:30:10.088Z","startedAt":"2022-04-05T08:30:03.986Z","queuedAt":"2022-04-05T08:30:03.010Z","domain":"step","pipelineName":"my_pipeline_2","triggeredBy":"admin","branchName":"master","stepName":"p2_s1","runNumber":2,"status":"success","durationMillis":6102,"outputArtifactsCount":0,"outputResourcesCount":0} {"timestamp":"2022-04-05T08:30:10.088Z","startedAt":"2022-04-05T08:30:03.986Z","domain":"run","pipelineName":"my_pipeline_2","triggeredBy":"admin","branchName":"master","runNumber":2,"status":"success","durationMillis":6102}
  • Pipeline Sync Events:
    For every pipeline sync activity, the following metrics can be found inpipelinesync-activity-event.log.

  • Webhook Events (Pipelines 1.25 and above):
    For every webhook activity for the supported SCMs, you will find the following metrics inhookhandler-activity-event.log.

    {"timestamp":"2022-06-10T16:29:29.894Z","domain":"webhook","status":"success","durationMillis":533,"webhookId":"11819184-2d88-4180-92da-aa13092d0ca4","integration":"my_bitbucket","source":"gitrepo","eventType":"branchCreated","branchName":"kt4","repositoryName":"krishnakadiyam/jfrog-pipelines-second"} {"timestamp":"2022-06-10T16:29:40.845Z","domain":"webhook","status":"success","durationMillis":323,"webhookId":"6d098e3a-7b4b-427c-ba53-b1174baeeabd","integration":"my_bitbucket","source":"gitrepo","eventType":"branchDeleted","branchName":"kt4","repositoryName":"krishnakadiyam/jfrog-pipelines-second"} {"timestamp":"2022-06-13T05:29:55.062Z","domain":"webhook","status":"success","durationMillis":234,"webhookId":"2d4d698b-b083-42fd-a28e-670d9cec4c1a","integration":"glRepo","source":"gitrepo","eventType":"tag","repositoryName":"jfrog-pipelines-second","tagName":"refs/tags/kt4"}
  • Pipelines IntegrationsEvents (Pipelines 1.29 and above):
    For every integrations activity, you will find the following metrics inapi-activity-event.log.

    {"timestamp":"2022-11-10T10:36:50.004Z","domain":"projectIntegrations","eventType":"create","status":"success","integrationName":"iwh","integrationId":1,"integrationType":"incomingWebhook","createdBy":"admin","updatedBy":"admin","durationMillis":188} {"timestamp":"2022-11-10T10:37:43.423Z","domain":"projectIntegrations","eventType":"update","status":"success","integrationName":"iwh","integrationId":1,"integrationType":"incomingWebhook","createdBy":"admin","updatedBy":"admin","durationMillis":38} {"timestamp":"2022-11-10T10:37:55.901Z","domain":"projectIntegrations","eventType":"delete","status":"success","integrationName":"iwh","integrationId":"1","integrationType":"incomingWebhook","createdBy":"admin","updatedBy":"admin","durationMillis":85}

Usage Example - Prometheus

Update theprometheus.ymlfile to add a scrape job. Update the following configuration with the adequate values:

  • job_name: Use a unique name among other scrape jobs. All metrics collected through this job will have automatically a ‘job’ label with this value added to it
  • username: The name of an admin user
  • password: The admin password
  • targets: The URL of the Artifactory node.
- job_name: 'artifactory' # Configures the protocol scheme used for requests. [scheme:  | default = http] # Sets the `Authorization` header on every scrape request with # the configured credentials. authorization: [type:  | default: Bearer] credentials:  # metrics_path defaults to '/metrics' metrics_path: '/artifactory/api/v1/metrics' static_configs: - targets: [':']

For more information about Prometheus scrap job configuration, seehere.

  • No labels
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