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To set up a Cold Artifact Storage, you must first configure a designated Artifactory instance as the Cold Artifactory, connect to it a storage provider (either aninexpensive self-hosted storageor a cloud storage provider, such as Amazon S3 Glacier), and thenconnect the Cold Artifactory instance to an existing Artifactory instance, also called a Live Artifactory instance.

The steps required for this process include:

  1. Set up a Live Artifactory instance
  2. Create a Cold Artifactory instance
  3. Add the Live and Cold Artifactory Instances to Mission Control
  4. Bind the Live Artifactory and Cold Artifactory instances


Before setting up Cold Artifact Storage, you will need to verify that the following prerequisites are in place:

Every cluster of Artifactory that needs to archive requires a single Cold Artifact Storage instance with a dedicated license.

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Page Contents

Steps for Setting Up Cold Artifact Storage Using the Platform UI

Step 1: Set up a Live Artifactory Instance

The Live Artifactory instance can be a newly installed instance or an existing instance that must be configured as follows.

  1. Open theArtifactory System YAMLfile of the instance.
  2. Add theshared.jfrogColdStorage.coldInstanceEnabledproperty and set it asfalseto configure the instance as the Live instance.

Step 2: Create a Cold Artifactory Instance

On the Artifactory instance that you are designating as the Cold instance, perform the following steps:

  1. Update theArtifactory System YAMLfile:
    Add theshared.jfrogColdStorage.coldInstanceEnabledproperty and set it astrueto configure the instance as the Cold instance.

    shared: jfrogColdStorage: coldInstanceEnabled: true
  2. Configure the Archive Binary Provider:
    When setting up the Cold instance, you will need to connect it to a binary storage provider. You can use one of the following storage options:

    • Self-hosted Storage: If you wish to use the local file system, seeConfiguring the Filesystem Binary Provider.

    • Amazon S3 Glacier Cloud Storage: If you wish to use Amazon S3 Glacier, follow these steps:

      1. Openthebinarystore.xmlconfiguration file located in the$JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/artifactoryfolder.

      2. Specify thes3-storage-v3-archivechain.
      3. Within the chain, define the standard Amazon S3 Binary Provider template as outlined in the sectionAmazon S3 Official SDK Templateand configure the parameters as per your requirements.


        s3-storage-v3-archive Template
          //Dedicated Cold Storage parameters  //Based on s3-storage-v3 Template artifactory-ice-test-regular-bucket artifactory-on-ice creds ident aws-s3 eu-central-1  
  3. Restart the Cold Artifactory instance:
    After making the above changes, restart the Cold Artifactory instance for the changes to take effect.

Disabling Cold Artifact Storage feature

The Cold Artifact Storage feature is enabled by default. If you wish to disable the feature, in theArtifactory System Propertiesfile, setartifactory.retention.enabledasfalse.

Custom Base URL

It is recommended that you configure a Custom Base URL for this Artifactory instance.A custom URL base is especially useful when the system is running behind a proxy.For more information, seeGeneral System Settings.

步骤3:添加生活and Cold Artifactory Instances to Mission Control

In this step you will need to add both instances to Mission Control. If Mission Control is enabled in the instance that you have designated the Live instance, then you will only need to do this step for the Cold instance.

  1. First,create a binding token for Mission Control by following the steps inPairing Tokens(available from Artifactory 7.29.7).
  2. Next,add the Cold Artifactory instance to Mission Control by following the steps detailed inRegistering a Platform Deployment.

  3. If the Live Artifactory instance you set up above isnot詹妮弗的Mission Control enabled it it, add the Live Artifactory instance to Mission Control in the same way.

Remember to copy the token you generate to a location where you will be able to find it easily.

Step 4: Bind the Live and Cold Artifactory Instances

Available from Artifactory 7.38.4

After completing the previous two steps, your Platform Deployments will have two JPDs that are both connected to the Mission Control microservice: the Live instance and the Cold instance. The next step will be to bind the two instances to each other so that theCold Artifactory instance will trust and receive requests from the Live Artifactory instance. You can only bind one Live instance to one Cold instances, and this is aone-way trust.

Perform the following steps on the Artifactory instance that you have set as the Live instance.

  1. From theAdministrationmodule, clickPlatform Deployments | Bindings.
  2. Click theCold Storagetab. In the top right corner, click+ Add Binding, and selectCold Storagefrom the dropdown list.

    This displays the Create Binding window.
  3. From the Source JPD dropdown, select the Live instance.
  4. From the Target JPD dropdown, select the Cold instance.
  5. ClickApply.
    The Summary displays the target and source you selected.

  6. ClickCreateto create the new binding.
    The binding results are displayed.

Setting Up Cold Artifact Storage Using APIs

The preferred method of binding the two instances is using the flow described above. However, you can also bind them using the API steps described below.

  1. First generate the Pairing Token to connect the Live and Cold instances.
  2. On the Cold instance, execute the following POST request.

    curl -u admin:password -X POST https:///artifactory/api/v1/service_trust/pairing/artifactory-cold

    This generates the pairing token. For example:

    { "pairing_token":"IiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYiLCJraWQiOiJaWkhkQzBzenlqd2d..." }
  3. Next, on the Live instance, use the generated pairing token to execute the following PUT request. This sets up trust between the Live instance and the Cold instance:

    curl -u admin:password -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"pairing_token" : "IiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYiLCJraWQiOiJaWkhkQzBzenlqd2d..."}' https:///artifactory/api/v1/service_trust/pairing/artifactory-cold

    If the two instance are paired successfully, the request returns the following status:

    Trust with service artifactory-cold was established successfully

Managing Cold Storage Bindings

Revoking a Binding Using the Platform UI

Important Note on Revoking Bindings

You cannot remove the binding between the Live instance and the Cold instance in cases where the Cold instance is not available anymore.

  1. To revoke the binding between a Live and Cold instance, from the Administration module, clickPlatform Deployments | Bindingsand then click theCold Storagetab.
  2. Select the checkboxes for the bindings you wish to remove, and then click the删除button to the right of the binding.
  3. If you are deleting multiple bindings, select all checkboxes, and at the bottom of the window, select删除.
    This displays a confirmation message that asks if you are sure you wish to remove the binding.
  4. ClickOK来确认。
    Your action is applied and the results of the unbinding are now displayed.

Re-establishing Trust

Each connection between a Live instance and a Cold instance is bound to a namespace in the Cold instance, which is generated during the paring process. The namespace is unique and the trust is established for that specific namespace.

This namespace is required when you need to re-establish the trust between the Live and Cold instances, for example, after the token was revoked by mistake. In such scenarios:

  1. Retrieve the namespace.
  2. Regenerate the pairing token by providing the namespace as an argument in the POST request.

Example:curl -u admin:password -X POST https:///artifactory/api/v1/service_trust/pairing/artifactory-cold/gbbxmcuj

Where:gbbxmcujis the namespace.

Optimizing Cold Artifact Storage Performance

Cold Artifact Storage includes several properties that can be used to configure and optimize its performance.

The list of parameters and their corresponding values that are shown below are for reference only. It is highly recommended that you donotchange these values.

Live Artifactory Properties

The following properties can be configured in theLive Artifactory's$JFROG_HOME/etc/artifactory/artifactory.system.propertiesfile.

Parameter Description Range/Default
Basic Properties

Number of threads that will be used per policy to archive items.

Default: 5

Number of threads that will be used to restore items.

Default: 5
Advanced Properties

Number of http connections that are allowed to deploy artifacts from the Live instance to the Cold instance.

Default: 50

Maximum socket timeout for an http connection.

Default: 15000

Number of http peers per route that are allowed to deploy artifacts from the Live instance to the Cold instance.

Default: 50

Setting for how often the Live instance will try to pull restored items from the Cold instance.

Default: 120

Recommended: 1800


Setting for how many restored items will be pulled from the Cold instance to the Live instance.

Default: 1000

Approximate maximum allowed bandwidth for all restore operations.

Default: 0

Error threshold to stop restore operation.

Default: 10

Setting for how many items are fetched from the database during archive policy execution.

Default: 10000

Approximate max allowed bandwidth for a single archive policy execution.

Default: 0

Stop execution if there are 10% errors during an archive process.

Default: 10

Cold Artifactory Properties

The following properties can be configured in theCold ArtifactorySystem YAML.

Parameter Description Range/Default
Advanced Properties

Number of threads that will be used when processingtherestore request.

Default: 5

By default, on the Cold Artifactory instance, the cron job rate to check the restore status for each archived artifact is 120 seconds (2min). This can be reconfigured for cost optimization.

Default: 120




Default: 300

The following property can be configured in theCold Artifactory's$JFROG_HOME/etc/artifactory/artifactory.system.propertiesfile.

Parameter Description Range/Default

The maximum number of artifacts that can be restored during a single run is 30k. This value can be configured using theretention.warm.restore.artifact.limitproperty.During the restore process, if the number of artifacts crosses the max limit, the restore process terminates after completing the restoration of 30k artifacts and the cause for termination is logged.

Default: 30k
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