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Artifactory provides tight integration with Gradle. All that is needed is a simple modification of yourbuild.gradlescript file with a few configuration parameters.

Both the new and older publishing mechanisms of Gradle are supported, however some of the steps to configure theGradle Artifactory Plugindepend on the version you are using, and these are detailed in the documentation pages.

The Gradle Artifactory Plugin can be used whether you are running builds using a CI server, or running standalone builds. In either case, you should note the following points:

  1. CI Server Integration
    When running Gradle builds in your continuous integration server, we recommend using one of the Artifactory Plugins forJenkins,TeamCityorBamboo.
    You can use your build server UI to configure resolving and publishing artifacts through Artifactory to capture exhaustive build information.
  2. Standalone Integration
    The Gradle Artifactory plugin offers a simple DSL to perform the following steps in your Gradle build:
    1. Define the default dependency resolution from Artifactory.
    2. Define configurations that publish artifacts to Artifactory after a full (multi-module) successful build.
    3. Define properties that should be attached to published artifacts in Artifactory metadata.
    4. Capture and publish abuild-infoobject to the Artifactory build-info REST API to provide a fully traceable build context.

Source Code Available!

This Gradle Artifactory Plugin is anopen source project on GitHubwhich you can freely browse and fork.

The following sections describe the main configuration steps and provide a sample Gradle script that shows the information you need to get started using Gradle with Artifactory.

Configuring Artifact Resolution

Using the Gradle Build Script Generator

With Artifactory'sGradle Build Script Generator, you can easily create a Gradle init script that handles resolution.

In theArtifact Repository Browserof theArtifactsmodule, selectSet Me Up.In theSet Me Updialog, setGradlein theToolfield and click "Generate Gradle Settings". You can now specify the settings you want to configure for Gradle.

Plugin/Libs Resolver
The repository that should be used to resolve plugins/libraries
Use Maven/Use Ivy
When checked, specifies that resolving should be done using the Maven/Ivy pattern
Libs Publisher
The repository that should be used to publish libraries
Use Maven/Use Ivy
When checked, specifies that library should be published using a Maven/Ivy descriptor
Repository Layout
Specifies the layout of the corresponding repository

Once you have configured the settings for Gradle you can click "Generate Settings" to generate and save thebuild.gradleandgradle.propertiesfile.

Provisioning Dynamic Settings for Users

Artifactory lets you deploy and provision a dynamic settings template for your users. Once downloaded, settings are generated according to your own logic and can automatically include user authentication information.

For more details, please refer to theProvisioning Build Tool Settingssection underFiltered Resources.

Sample Build Script and Properties

You can download sample scripts from the JFrogGitHub public repository.

Running Gradle

For Gradle to build your project and upload generated artifacts to Artifactory, you need to run the following command:

gradle artifactoryPublish

For more details on building your projects with Gradle, please refer to theGradle Documentation.

Getting debug information from Gradle

We highly recommend running Gradle with the-doption to get useful and readable information if something goes wrong with your build.

依赖Declaration Snippets

Artifactory can provide you with dependency declaration code snippets that you can simply copy into theGradle Dependency Declarationsection of yourbuild.gradlefile.

In theArtifact Repository Browserof theArtifactsmodule, drill down in the repository tree and select a relevant artifact. Under the依赖Declarationsection, selectGradleto display the corresponding dependency declaration that you can copy into yourbuild.gradlefile.

Optimizing Gradle Builds

从V3.5 Gradle介绍构建缓存功能that lets you reuse outputs produced by other builds, instead of rebuilding them, and dramatically reduce build time. This feature supports not only your local filesystem cache, but also remote caches that can be shared across your organization.

The Gradle team has measured an averagereduction of 25%in total build time, and even a reduction of 80% with some of their commits!

To optimize your Gradle builds:

  1. Configure Artifactoryto be your Gradle build cache
  2. Configure Gradle使用在Artifactory建立缓存

Configuring Artifactory

Artifactory can be used as the Gradle build cache by simply creating ageneric repositoriesin Artifactory.

For example, the following is asimple use casewhere the CI server builds a project and stores the build cache in Artifactory for later use by the following builds. This will greatly improve the build time in your local developer environments.

Configuring Gradle

Configure Gradle to use the build cache and point it to Artifactory.

artifactory_user=admin artifactory_password=password artifactory_url=http://localhost:8081/artifactory org.gradle.caching=true gradle.cache.push=false


Set thegradle.cache.push property to true, on the CI server, by overriding it using-Pgradle.cache.push=true.

include "shared", "api", "services:webservice" ext.isPush = getProperty('gradle.cache.push') buildCache { local { enabled = false } remote(HttpBuildCache) { url = "${artifactory_url}/gradle-cache-example/" credentials { username = "${artifactory_user}" password = "${artifactory_password}" } push = isPush } }

Replication Across Different Sites

You can also use Artifactory as adistributed cachethat’s synchronized across both local and remote teams using push and pull repository replication, and improve both your local and remote build times.

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