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JFrog Platform User Guide

JFrog Mission Control 3.x Documentation
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The Distribution service managesRelease Bundlesand their distribution processes, including release content, permission levels, and target destinations.For more information, seeJFrog Distribution.

Resetting the Distribution Service

If the Distribution service was removed from Mission Control, you need to performDistribution pairing. For more information, seeResetting Authentication Provider Pairing.

Adding the Distribution Service

  1. To add a service clickAdd Servicefrom theHeaderor theServicesmodule.
  2. Leave the User Name or Password fields empty.
  3. ClickTest Connectivity.
  4. ClickAdd.

Logging into Distribution

Login to your newly added Distribution service with your Mission Control admin user.

Page contents

Viewing the Distribution Service

To view the Distribution service, click on the service name or hover over it in the Service module and select the view icon

Mission Control will display details about the selected JFrog Distribution service.

Indicates that this is a Distribution service
The version of the Distribution service
The URL at which the Distribution service can be accessed
TheSiteto which the Distribution service has been added
The running status of the Distribution service
Distribution Connections

Shows the Source and Target Artifactory services pairs that this Distribution service serves.

For each pair, you can see theTotalnumber of attempts (over the last 7 days) to distribute release bundles from the corresponding Source to the Target service with details on the number ofSuccessfulandFailed尝试和的数量Errorsthat were generated.

Viewing Distribution Service Trends

Enterprise+ License Required

Viewing service trends requires an Enterprise+ license.

Distribution Over Time Trend

This Distribution Over Time trend displays the total number of distributions performed including completed and failed over the selected period according to the source Artifactory. For general information on Mission Control service trends, seeViewing Service Trends.

In the example above, the number of distributions over the last month was ten whereby six successfully completed and five failed. In addition, you can view the breakdown according to Edge services connected to a source Artifactory.

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