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JFrog Mission Control 3.x Documentation
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JFrog Mission Control is available as a standalone ZIP file installation for all supported 64 bit Linux flavors: CentOS, Red Hat, Debian and Ubuntu.


To run Mission Control from a ZIP installation, you need to have JDK 8 installed.

Page Contents

Installation Instructions

Once you havedownloadedMission Control, follow these steps:

  1. Extract the contents of the compressed archive, and remove the version number, operating system and architecture from the extracted folder.

    unzip mv jfmc--- jfmc
  2. Load ElasticSearch and Postgres which can be preinstalled. Binaries for both these databases are also available in the zip-dependencies folder.
    For more instructions, see the 3rd Party Binaries orcommands to setup manually on running Postgressection.

  3. Edit the jfmc/scripts/ environment file and provide the relevant environment variables for your ElasticSearch and Postgres installations.

New Environment File

Once you install and run the first Mission Control node, amc.keyfile, will be generated and saved in the file system.The mc key is an internal secret, used by Mission Control to encrypt sensitive data and must be synced between the Mission Control cluster nodes. After the application is started, the mc key can be found in the following path: /security/mc.key.

  1. Start Mission Control.

    jfmc/bin/ start

    New Environment File

    Upon completing the ZIP installation, Mission Control creates a new environment file, jfmc/data/
    This is the environment file that will be used from here on. Any further changes that may need to be made in environment variables should be made in this file.

Script Actions

The Mission Control script installed with the ZIP installation can be used for a variety of actions using the following syntax:


Where can take one of the following values:


Start the Mission Control services in the background. Corresponding process IDs will be stored as jfmc/run/.pid.


Stops the Mission Control services. This command gets the process ID from the jfmc/run/.pid file, stop the process and remove the file.


Checks if the Mission Control services are running as follows:

Obtain the process ID from jfmc/run/.pid and check if the process is running

If the pid file exists, but the process is not running, check if any other processes are running for this service. This will show any processes that are out of sync ( for example, if a pid file was removed or modified).

Out of sync processes

Any processes that are out of sync should manually be removed.


Restarts Mission Control services by calling stop and start sequentially.


Mission Control uses certificates for secure internal communications between it services. Normally, this call is automatically run on every start action to make sure the services are all furnished with the required certificates. You can make this call manually if, for any reason, automatic generation of certificates failed.

Environment Variables

The ZIP file installation requires a set of environment variables in order to run. These are provided through the environment file. Note that some of the variables in the environment file() are for internal use and should not be modified. Following are the environment variables (with default values) you should modify to match your own installation:

  • export DB_TYPE=postgresql
  • export DB_HOST="localhost"
  • export DB_PORT=5432
  • export DB_NAME=mission_control
  • export DB_TABLESPACE="pg_default"
  • export DB_SSLMODE="false"
  • export JFIS_DB_SCHEMA=insight_server
  • export JFEX_DB_SCHEMA=insight_executor
  • export JFSC_DB_SCHEMA=insight_scheduler
  • export JFMC_DB_SCHEMA=jfmc_server

# These values are considered by default, the file needs to be edited if there is a need to change the values # Jfmc server credentials jfmc.db.username=jfmc jfmc.db.password=password # Insight server credentials jfis.db.username=jfis jfis.db.password=password # Executor credentials jfex.db.username=jfex jfex.db.password=password # Scheduler credentials jfsc.db.username=jfsc jfsc.db.password=password # Elasticsearch credentials elastic.username=admin elastic.password=admin
Ports used by the Mission Control Service:
  • export JFMC_PORT=8080

  • export JFMC_SCHEDULER_PORT=8085

  • export JFMC_EXECUTOR_PORT=8087


  • export JFMC_INSIGHT_SERVER_SSL_PORT=8089 (removed in 3.3.0)

    High Availability related variables:
  • export JFMC_HOST_IP =
Options for each Java service:
  • export JFMC_EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx2g"

Changing Port Settings

The following table describes the different Mission Control services, the default port allocated to the service, and the environment variable through which the port can be modified:

Default Port
Environment Variable
Mission Control
Insight server
8089 (removed in 3.3.0)
Insight scheduler
Insight executor

If port conflicts are detected, you can change the port allocated as follows:

  1. If the Mission Control services are running, stop them.

    $MC_HOME/bin/ stop
  2. In $MC_HOME/data/, modify the environment variable corresponding to the service with the port conflict as described in the table above.

    Start the Mission Control services.

    $MC_HOME/bin/ start

3rd Party Binaries

Binaries for ElasticSearch and Postgres are included in the archive and can be used if needed. The instructions below are specific to these binaries.


  • The binary is available in the folder: "zip-dependencies". Copy to a suitable folder ( and unzip.

    tar -xvf elasticsearch-oss-6.6.0.tar.gz
  • 安装搜索插件。这是一个可选的年代tep if you want to secure your ElasticSearch with authentication.
    The binary for search guard plugin ( will be available in the folder: "zip-dependencies". Copy this file to a suitable location

    ./elasticsearch-6.6.0/bin/elasticsearch-plugin install file:////
  • Generate search guard certificates. This is applicable if you are configuring non-HA or first node of HA setup.
    该工具会生成搜索保安证书l be available in the folder: "zip-dependencies". Copy this tar ball to a suitable location

    tar -xvf /search-guard-tlstool-1.6.tar.gz cp jfmc/scripts/elasticsearch/config/tlsconfig.yml /config cd /tools ./ -c ../config/tlsconfig.yml -ca -crt# folder named "out" will be created with all the required certificates cd out cp localhost.key localhost.pem root-ca.pem /elasticsearch-6.6.0/config cp root-ca.pem sgadmin.key sgadmin.pem /elasticsearch-6.6.0/plugins/search-guard-6/tools

    For nodes other than first node in HA setup, copy the certificates from the first node to the corresponding location.

  • Configure ElasticSearch for search guard by updating the following properties in /elasticsearch-6.6.0/config

    searchguard.ssl.transport.pemcert_filepath: localhost.pem searchguard.ssl.transport.pemkey_filepath: localhost.key searchguard.ssl.transport.pemtrustedcas_filepath: root-ca.pem searchguard.ssl.transport.enforce_hostname_verification: false searchguard.ssl.transport.resolve_hostname: false searchguard.nodes_dn: - CN=localhost,OU=Ops,O=localhost\, Inc.,DC=localhost,DC=com searchguard.authcz.admin_dn: - CN=sgadmin,OU=Ops,O=sgadmin\, Inc.,DC=sgadmin,DC=com searchguard.enterprise_modules_enabled: false
  • For HA setup ,add the following in elasticsearch.yml transport.publish_host:  discovery.zen.hosts_provider: file discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 2 #This is applicable from second node onwards
  • Start ElasticSearch in detached mode.

    ./elasticsearch-6.6.0/bin/elasticsearch -d
  • Initialize Search Guard. This is applicable if you are configuring non-HA or first node of HA setup.

    cd /elasticsearch-6.6.0/plugins/search-guard-6/tools ./ -cacert root-ca.pem -cert sgadmin.pem -key sgadmin.key -nhnv -icl -cd ../sgconfig/
  • Restart ElasticSearch

    `ps -ef` | grep elasticsearch # Find the PID kill -15  /elasticsearch-6.6.0/bin/elasticsearch -d


  • The binary is available in the folder: "zip-dependencies". Untar to a suitable folder as in the example below (which is extracting to the user's home directory).

    tar -xvf ./postgresql-9.6.11-1-linux-x64-binaries.tar.gz -C ~/
  • As a sudo user, create the data folders to be used by Postgres and make this user () the owner

    sudo su mkdir -p /var/lib/pgsql/data chown -R  /var/lib/pgsql/data mkdir -p /usr/local/pgsql/data chown -R  /usr/local/pgsql/data
  • For your convenience and to avoid Postgres failing to startup because of path issues, set the path and locale.

    su  export PATH="$PATH:/home//pgsql/bin" LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
  • Enabling Postgres connectivity from remote servers
    Add the following line to /usr/local/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf

    host all all md5

    Add the following line to /usr/local/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf

  • Initialize the data directory and start Postgres

    initdb - d /usr/local/pgsql/data pg_ctl - d /usr/local/pgsql/data -l logfile start
  • Create the psql database (the script"jfmc/scripts/", responsible for seeding Postgres assumes this database exists)

    psql template1 : CREATE DATABASE ; : \q .jfmc/scripts/
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