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The advanced settings for a remote repository configure network access behavior, cache management and several other parameters related to remote repository access.

To access the advanced settings, in theEdit Remote Repositoryscreen select theAdvancedtab.

Remote Credentials

Remote Credentials

The username that should be used for HTTP authentication when accessing this remote proxy.
The password that should be used for HTTP authentication when accessing this remote proxy.

Page Contents

Network Settings

Remote repository network settings

If your organization requires you to go through a proxy to access a remote repository, this parameter lets you select the correspondingProxy Key.
For more details on setting up proxies in Artifactory please refer toManaging Proxies.
Local Address

When working on multi-homed systems, this parameter lets you specify which specific interface (IP address) should be used to access the remote repository.
This can be used to ensure that access to the remote repository is not blocked by firewalls or other organizational security systems.

Socket Timeout

The time that Artifactory waits (for both a socket and a connection) before giving up on an attempt to retrieve an artifact from a remote repository.
Upon reaching the specifiedSocket TimeoutArtifactory registers the repository as "assumed offline" for the period of time specified inAssumed Offline Limit.

Query Params

A custom set of parameters that should automatically be included in all HTTP requests to this remote repository.
For example,param1=value1¶m2=value2¶m3=value3

Lenient Host Authentication
When set, allows using the repository credentials on any host to which the original request is redirected.
When set, the repository will allow cookie management to work with servers that require them.

Using Oracle Maven Repository

To useOracle Maven Repository:

  • Set your Oracle credentials inUsernameandPasswordof theRemote Credentials
  • SetLenient Host Authentication
  • SetEnable Cookie Management.

Cache Settings

Artifactory stores artifacts retrieved from a remote repository in a local cache. TheCache Settingsspecify how to manage cached artifacts.

Caching Maven artifacts

Caching for Maven artifacts is only applicable to snapshots since it is assumed that releases never change.

Remote Repository Cache Settings

Unused Artifacts Cleanup Period

Many cached artifacts in Artifactory remote repository storage are actually unused by any current projects in the organization. This parameter specifies how long an unused artifact will be stored before it is removed. Once reaching this period Artifacts will be removed in the next invocation of cleanup.For more details please referCleanup Unused Cached ArtifactsinRegular Maintenance Operations.

Leaving the field empty (default) means that the artifact is stored indefinitely.

Metadata Retrieval Cache Period

Defines how long before Artifactory checks for a newer version of a requested artifact in a remote repository.
A value of 0 means that Artifactory will always check for a newer version.

On which file types does this parameter work?

This setting refers to artifacts that expire after a period of time (e.g.metadata files such asmaven-metadata.xml,npmpackage.jsonor Dockermanifest.jsonetc.).

Note that most artifacts that are downloadeddo not change (e.g. release versions), therefore this setting has no effect on them.

Assumed Offline Period

In case of a connection error, this parameter specifies how long Artifactory should wait before attempting an online check in order to reset the offline status.
A value of 0 means that the repository is never assumed offline and Artifactory will always attempt to make the connection when demanded.

Missed Retrieval Cache Period

If a remote repository is missing a requested artifact, Artifactory will return a "404 Not found" error. This response is cached for the period of time specified by this parameter. During that time, Artifactory will not issue new requests for the same artifact.
A value of 0 means that the response is not cached and Artifactory will always issue a new request when demanded.

Zapping Caches

"Zapping" a cache means forcing the Retrieval Cache Period and Missed Retrieval Cache Period to time out. To "zap" a cache, in theArtifactsmoduleTreebrowser,

Select the repository cache you wish to "zap" and clickZap cachesin the right-click menu orActionsdrop-down menu.

Select Property Sets

Defines the property sets that will be available for artifacts stored in this repository.

Other Settings

Remote Other Settings

Blacked out
If set, Artifactory ignores this repository when trying to resolve artifacts. The repository is also not available for download or deployment of artifacts.
Allow content browsing

When set, allows Artifactory users to browse the internal contents of archives (for example, browsing specific Javadoc files from within a Javadoc archive).


When archive browsing is allowed, strict content moderation should be employed to ensure malicious users do not upload content that may compromise security (e.g. cross-site scripting attacks)

Store artifacts locally

When set, Artifactory artifacts from this repository will be cached locally. If not set, direct repository-to-client streaming is used.

When might you use direct repository-to-client streaming?

If your organization has multiple servers connected over a high speed LAN, you may have one instance of Artifactory caching data on a central storage facility with additional instances of Artifactory running on other servers. In this case, it makes sense for the additional instances of Artifactory to act as satellite pass-through servers rather than have them duplicate the cached data within their own environments.

Synchronize properties
When set, synchronizes properties of artifacts retrieved from a remote instance of Artifactory.
Block Mismatching Mime Types
设置时,工件将会失败ownload if a mismatch is detected between the requested and received mime type, according to a list specified in thesystem.propertiesfile underblockedMismatchingMimeTypes. You can override this setting by adding mime types to the override list below.
Override Default Blocked Mime Types
The set of mime types that should override theBlock Mismatching Mime Typessetting.
Propagate Query Params

当设置时,如果查询参数cluded in the request to Artifactory, they will be passed on to the remote repository.

Generic Repositories Only

This setting is only available for Generic type repositories.

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