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配置一个本地存储库, in theAdminmodule, go toRepositories | Localand click it to display theEdit Repositoryscreen.

Common Basic Settings

The following are fully described in theCommon Settingspage.

Page Contents

Additional Basic Settings

Repositories may have additionalBasicsettings depending on thePackage Type.

Maven, Gradle, Ivy and SBT Repositories

Maven, Gradle, Ivy and SBT repositories share the same additionalBasicsettings.

Checksum Policy

Checking the Checksum effectively verifies the integrity of a deployed resource. TheChecksum Policy决定Artifactory行为当客户端checksum for a deployed resource is missing or conflicts with the locally calculated checksum.

There are two options:

  1. Verify against client checksums(default) - If a client has not sent a valid checksum for a deployed artifact then Artifactory will return a 404 (not found) error to a client trying to access that checksum. If the client has sent a checksum, but it conflicts with the one calculated on the server then Artifactory will return a 409 (conflict) error until a valid checksum is deployed.
  2. Trust server generated checksums- Artifactory will not verify checksums sent by clients and will trust the server's locally calculated checksums. An uploaded artifact is immediately available for use, but integrity might be compromised.
Maven Snapshot Version Behavior
Artifactory supports centralized control of how snapshots are deployed into a repository, regardless of end user-specific settings. This can be used to guarantee a standardized format for deployed snapshots within your organization. There are three options:
  1. Unique:Uses a unique, time-based version number
  2. Nonunique:Uses the default self-overriding naming pattern:artifactID-version-SNAPSHOT.type
  3. Deployer:Uses the format sent by the deployer as is.

Maven 3 Only Supports Unique Snapshots

Maven 3 has dropped support for resolving and deploying non-unique snapshots. Therefore, if you have a snapshot repository using non-unique snapshots, we recommend that you change your Maven snapshot policy to 'Unique' and remove any previously deployed snapshots from this repository.

The unique snapshot name generated by the Maven client on deployment cannot help in identifying the source control changes from which the snapshot was built and has no relation to the time sources were checked out. Therefore,we recommend that the artifact itself should embed the revision/tag (as part of its name or internally) for clear and visible revision tracking. Artifactory allows you to tag artifacts with the revision number as part of itsBuild Integrationsupport.

Max Unique Snapshots
Specifies the maximum number of unique snapshots of the same artifact that should be stored. Once this number is reached and a new snapshot is uploaded, the oldest stored snapshot is removed automatically.

A value of 0 (default) indicates that there is no limit on the number of unique snapshots.

Handle Releases

If set, Artifactory allows you to deploy release artifacts into this repository.

Handle Snapshots
If set, Artifactory allows you to deploy snapshot artifacts into this repository.
Suppress POM Consistency
When deploying an artifact to a repository, Artifactory verifies that the value set forgroupId:artifactId:versionin the POM is consistent with the deployed path.

If there is a conflict between these then Artifcatory will reject the deployment. You can disable this behavior by setting this checkbox.

Other Repository Types

For other type-specific repository configuration, please refer to the corresponding repository page underArtifactory Pro.

Advanced Settings

Local Repository Advanced Settings

Select Property Sets
Defines the property sets that will be available for artifacts stored in this repository.
Blacked Out
If set, Artifactory ignores this repository when trying to resolve artifacts. The repository is also not available for download or deployment of artifacts.
Allow Content Browsing

If set, allows you to view file contents (e.g., Javadoc browsing, HTML files) directly from Artifactory.


When content browsing is allowed we recommend strict content moderation to ensure that any uploaded content does not compromise security (for example, cross-site scripting attacks)


TheReplicationstab lets you define and edit replication settings for the repository. For details, please refer toRepository Replication.

Pre-defined Local Repositories

Artifactory comes with a set of pre-defined local repositories, which reflect best practices in binary repository management as follows:


Your code releases


Your code snapshots


Manually deployed 3rd party libs (releases)


Manually deployed 3rd party libs (shapshots)


Your and 3rd party plugins (releases)


Your and 3rd party plugins (snapshots)

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