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Artifactory provides several Search Types you can use to search for artifacts in theSearchmodule:

  • Quick:Search by artifact file name.
  • Package:Search for artifacts according to the criteria specific to the package format.
  • Archive Entries:Search for files that reside within archives (e.g. within a jar file).
  • Property:Search for artifacts based on names and values of properties assigned to them.
  • Checksum:Search for artifacts based on their checksum value.
  • JCenter:Search for artifacts in Bintray's JCenter repository.
  • Trash Can: Search for artifacts in Artifactory's trash can

Additional advanced search features are available through theREST API, including an advancedArtifactory Query Language.You can also browse through repositories using theArtifact Repository Browser.

Search in Artifactory provides true real-time results that always reflect the current state of the repository with no need to periodically rebuild indexes. Therefore, search results will immediately show any artifacts deployed, and will not show any artifacts removed. The * and ? wildcards are supported in your search term to help you narrow down your search. After conducting a search, you can hover over any result item for available actions such as:

Download the artifact
Show in Tree
Displays the artifact within the Tree Browser where you can view its full details
Delete the artifact

Using wildcards

When searching with the Artifactory UI, Artifactory performs prefix matching for search terms in all the different search modes. For example, searching forjfrogis equivalent to searching forjfrog*. You can still use the * and ? wildcards by placing in your search term in double-quotes to help you narrow down your search (for example,"a*.jar").

Page Contents


The different search features are available in theSearchmodule.To start a search, simply select the search method you want to use.

Search Methods

每个搜索方法提供了一组输入域有限公司rresponding to the type of search you have selected to help narrow down your search. For example, you can always narrow down your search by SelectingLimit toSpecific Repositoriesas one of your search criteria.

Searching specific repositories

Case Sensitive

For all searches, the search term is case-sensitive.

Quick Search

Using Quick Search you can search for artifacts by name. SelectQuick,enter your search term and then click the "Search" button.

Quick Search

For readability, you can limit the number of results displayed by setting the following two parameters in the$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc/artifactory.system.propertiesfile:

Configuring the number of search results
## Maximum number of results to return when searching through the UI #artifactory.search.maxResults=500 ## The backend limit of maximum results to return from sql queries issued by users. Should be higher than maxResults. #artifactory.search.userQueryLimit=1000

You can run a Quick Search from any screen

You can also run a Quick Search from any screen using the search field in the top-right corner of the screen.

Quick Search Shortcut

Archive Search

那档案搜索执行一个搜索所有文件t match your search parameters in an archive. Typical examples are a zip or jar file, however, all file types defined in theMIME typesconfiguration are supported. You can specify the following parameters for your search:

The term to search for within the file name.
Allows you to specify a path filter for the search.
Search class resources only
When checked, only class resources are searched. Any other file type is filtered out of the search.
Exclude Inner Classes
When checked, inner classes are excluded from the search.
Limit to Specific Repositories
Limits search to the specified repositories.

Search Archive

View the source file

You can hover over a class file and selectViewto view the corresponding source file if it's available.

Package Search

Package search enables you to run a search based on a specific packaging type. For each type, you can specify search parameters based on the relevant metadata for the selected package type. For example,Dockersearch is suitable for searching through Docker repositories.

Package Search

The following table displays the parameters you may use for each package type:

Search type Search parameters
Package name, Version
Package name, Version
Package name, Version
Package name, Version, User , Channel, OS, Architecture, Build Type, Compiler
File name (without the.deb扩展)、分布、组件架构
Full Image Namespace, Image Tag, Image Digest
Package name, Version
Maven GAVC
Group ID, Artifact ID, Version, Classifier
Package name, Version, Scope
Package ID, Version
Package name, Version, Architecture, Priority, Maintainer
Package name, Version
Package name, Version, Architecture, Release
Box Name, Version, Provider

All these search fields support the "?" and "*" wildcard characters.

Package search as an AQL query

For most package formats, package search is implemented as an AQL query. Click the "AQL" button to view the AQL query used in the search. You may also click the "Copy" icon in the AQL code snippet to copy the query to your clipboard.

Limit search to specific repositories

When limiting search to specific repositories, Artifactory will only let you select repositories with the corresponding package type. Package search depends on those repositories having the correct layout. Searching through repositories with the wrong layout will have unpredictable and unreliable results.

The example below shows the results of searching for any Docker image with "mysql" in its name:

Search for a Docker Image

Under the hood

Package search is based on standard properties that Artifactory attaches to packages according to their type. For example, when searching for NuGet packages, Artifactory is actually matching the search terms to the values for thenuget.idandnuget.versionproperties that should be attached to every NuGet package.


Package search does not currently work on remote repository caches for RubyGems and Debian repositories.

Property Search

Artifactory Pro allows you to search for artifacts or folders based onPropertiesassigned to them, whether they are standard properties assigned by Artifactory, or custom properties which you can freely assign yourself.

To define your search parameters, in theKeyfield, enter the name of the property to search for, or select one from the list provided.

Then, in theValuefield, set the value you are searching for in the specified property. To add more properties to the search use theAdd search criteriadrop list.

You can repeat this process to specify any number of properties and values for your search.

Wildcards can be used in the Property Value field

You can use the "?" or "*" wildcards in theValuefield.

Combining properties and values

Properties are combined using the AND operator.
Different values assigned to a specific property are also combined using the AND operator.
This means that only artifacts that meet all the search criteria specified will be found.

The example below shows a search for artifacts that have abuild.numberproperty with a value of 2

Search Property

Checksum Search

Artifactory allows you to search for artifacts based on MD5, SHA1 or SHA2 checksum value.

This can be especially useful if you want to identify an artifact whose name has been changed.

Wildcard characters are not supported in Checksum Search, so the term entered in the search field must be valid MD5 or SHA1 value.

The example below shows a search for an artifact using its SHA1 checksum.

Search Checksum


Bintray is JFrog's software distribution platform. Using this free cloud-based service, you can publish, download and share your binaries with the developer community.

For more details, please refer to theJFrog website Bintray page.

Artifactory provides a direct connection to Bintray's JCenter repository which contains a comprehensive collection of popular Apache Maven packages.

To search for packages on Bintray, selectJCenteras theSearch Typeand enter the name of the package you are looking for.

Search JCenter

You can hover over any search result and clickShow in Bintrayto display the selected artifact in Bintray.

Trash Can

Artifactory lets you search for artifacts you have "removed" to the trash can by selectingTrash Canas theSearch Type.

Enter the artifact's name in theQueryfield, or useAdd search criteria...and enter the artifact's checksum.

Search Trash Can

Search Results Stash

Requires Artifactory Pro

This feature is available with an Artifactory Pro license

Artifactory maintains a stash where you can save search results. This provides easy access to artifacts found without having to run the search again and also provides a convenient way to perform bulk operations on the result set.

For details, please refer toSaving Search Results in the Stash.

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