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JFrog Platform User Guide

JFrog Mission Control 3.x Documentation
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Once the Master service can be brought back into normal operation, you need to restore your system and data back from the Target service.

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Restoring the Master Service

Once the Master service can be brought back into normal operation, you need to restore your system and data back from the Target service.

Before you proceed with the restore operation, you need to ensure the following pre-requisites are met:

  • Both the Master and Target services are up and running.
  • Replication in the Master service isglobally disabled(otherwise you run the risk of losing data).
  • No changes should be made to the Target service configuration during the restore operation.

Once these pre-requisites are met, invokeRestoreby selecting it from theActionsmenu.

During the restore process, Mission Control performs the following actions:

  • Duplicate all non-DR replications on the Target service back to the Master service
  • Create all repositories that exist on the Target service but not on the Master service
  • The Access service on the Target synchronizes users and groups back to the Master service

Now you are ready to synchronize your repositories from your Target service back to your Master service as described inDR - Synchronize.

Once you have finished synchronizing your repositories you need to finalize the restore operation by selectingActions | Complete Restore.This action gives you the option of removing the DR replication sessions between the corresponding Target and Master once the restore is complete to avoid having redundant replications configured for the Target.

确保流量重定向回your Master service

Finally, once the restore operation is complete,your administrator needs to redirect traffic from the Target service back to your Master servicebymanually updating your load balancer or DNS to point to the Master service.

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