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Private Distribution Network (PDN) is a lightweight, storage-savvy distribution solution that enables you to meet your growing distribution needs. To learn more, seePrivate Distribution Network.This document details how to work with PDN, including viewing your network in the UI, running your first download, and distributing Release Bundles to the PDN Nodes.

Viewing Your PDN Network in the UI

The Network Overview inApplication | Distribution | Network Overviewprovidesvisibility into the PDN Node Groups hierarchy you set up. You can view the distributed Release Bundles data for each group, such as the name, version and status of the Release Bundle.

If you select to view the data for a single PDN Node, the information displayed in the right pane will show the properties for the single PDN Node:

Clicking the Release Bundles tab will then show the Release Bundles for the PDN Node.

Distributing Release Bundles to the PDN Nodes

This procedure describes how to distribute existing Release Bundles to the PDN Nodes and groups.

To distribute a Release Bundle to PDN, the PDN Nodes must be under a PDN Group.

  1. FromApplication | Distribution | Release Bundlesselect the Release Bundle you want to distribute, and click.
    TheDistribute Release Bundlewindow appears with the PDN hierarchal view.
  2. 你想选择相关边缘和组distribute to.

    If you select the Edge, the Release Bundle will be distributed to all the groups and nodes under that Edge. If you want to distribute to specific groups, you must select those groups individually. If you select a group, the Edge will also receive the Release Bundle.

  3. Optional: If you wish to automatically create missing repositories when distributing the Release Bundles, select the checkboxAutomatically Create Missing Repositories.
  4. ClickDistribute.
  5. You can view the status of the distribution from theDistributabletab.
  6. ClickViewto see the detailed status/availability of each Release Bundle.

Download Artifact Cache Size

When downloading artifacts, the size of the downloads may exceed the maximum cache size in your system (this is the parametermaximumMbToKeep). The size will only be exceeded temporarily while downloading, and may appear as such in the JFrog Platform UI. The excess cache will be automatically and immediately deleted once the artifacts have been downloaded successfully.

Distributing a Dynamic Release Bundle

You can distribute a dynamic Release Bundle, which is a Release Bundle you can create, sign, and distribute on the fly, using theDynamic Release Bundle REST API. The Release Bundle version is created instantly and distributed to the selected PDN Nodes.


Support Bundle Collection

Support Bundles collection for PDN works by Artifactory calling on each PDN Server to collect the Support Bundle data. All the data is then propagated to the main PDN Server's directory (in aHigh Availability environment, Support Bundles are allocated under each PDN Server). For more information, seeSupport Zone.

Using PDN Nodes with AWS

By default AWS uses a "tee" process (that runs by default on any EC2 instance) to pipe everything that is written to thestdoutto thecloud-init.log.When a PDN Node is running in debug mode, it generates a lot of log messages, and when these logs are flushed to the file, this impacts the PDN node functionality.To overcome this issue, the PDN Node output must be redirected from thestdout/stderrto the output file using the following command on the PDN node:

Example code to redirect from the stdout/stderr to the output file
exec 1>> /tmp/0_startup_script.log 2>&1

Next: Private Distribution Network (PDN) APIs and Metrics >>

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