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Set up a secure private Docker registry in minutes to manage all your Docker images while exercising fine-grained access control. Artifactory places no limitations and lets you set up any number of Docker registries, through the use of local, remote and virtual Docker repositories, and works transparently with the Docker client to manage all your Docker images,whether created internally or downloaded from remote Docker resources such as Docker Hub.

Multiple Docker Registries
Artifactory lets you define as many Docker registries as you wish. This enables you to manage each project in a distinct registry and exercise better access control to your Docker images.

Use Docker Naturally
Artifactory supports the relevant calls of theDocker Registry APIso that you can transparently use the Docker client to access images through Artifactory.

Secure private Docker Registry with Fine-grained Access Control
Local Docker Repositoriesare where you store internal Docker images for distribution across your organization. With the fine-grained access control provided by built-insecurity features, Artifactory offers secure Docker push and pull with local Docker repositories as fully functional, secure, private Docker registries.

Consistent and reliable access to remote images
Remote Docker Repositoriesin Artifactory proxy external resources such as Docker Hub, or a remote Docker repository in another Artifactory instance, and cache downloaded images. As a result, overall networking is reduced, and access to images on these remote resources is faster, consistent and reliable.

OCI Support
Artifactory is OCI compliant and supports OCI clients, enabling you to deploy and resolve OCI images in Docker Registries. The OCI client Singularity is not supported.

Docker Buildx Support
Artifactory supports Docker Buildx, allowing you to easily build and push multi-architecture images using the D ocker buildx CLI.For more information, see将图片批量使用码头工人Buildx CLI.

Confidently Promoting Images to Production
Artifactory lets you promote Docker images,as immutable, stable binaries, through the quality gates all the way to production.

Unlimited Docker Hub access
Artifactory provides you with unlimited, high-performantaccess to Docker Hub and to Docker Official Imagesto simplify cloud-native application development, without Docker Hub image-pull limits. This allows you to streamline, automate and simplify the way DevOps teams work.
* Available to SaaS cloud JFrog Platform subscribers, including free subscription offered on AWS, GCP & Azure.

Registries and Repositories

Both Artifactory and Docker use the term "repository", but each uses it in a different way.

ADocker repositoryis a hosted collection of tagged images that, together, create the file system for a container

ADocker registryis a host that stores Docker repositories

AnArtifactory repositoryis a hosted collection of Docker repositories, effectively, a Docker registry in every way, and one that you can access transparently with the Docker client.

Since Artifactory places no limitation on the number of repositories you may create, you can manage any number of Docker registries in Artifactory.

Getting Started With Artifactory as a Docker Registry

There are these main ways to get started using Docker with Artifactory:

  1. Artifactory SaaS account
  2. Artifactory On-Prem

For more details, please refer toGetting Started with Artifactory as a Docker Registry.

Configuring Docker Repositories

Artifactory supports three types of repositories when working with Docker:

  • Local repositoriesare a place for your internal Docker images. Through Artifactory's security capabilities, these are secure private Docker registries.
  • Remote repositoriesare used to proxy remote Docker resources such as Docker Hub.
  • Virtual repositoriescan aggregate multiple Docker registries thus enabling a single endpoint you can use for both pushing and pulling Docker images. This enables the admin to manage the different Docker registries without the users knowing, and continue to work with the same end point.

**Make sure to go to the Advanced tab of each repository and set the Registry Port if you are using the Port method for Docker. Then, the reverse proxy generator should add a new section in for the specified port.

Do not use underscores when naming Docker repositories

Due to a limitation in the Docker client, underscores are not permitted in Docker registry names. Therefore, when naming Artifactory Docker repositories, you should not use an underscore. For example, the Docker client will not be able to communicate with a repository namedtest_docker_repo, however itwillwork with a repository namedtest.docker.repo.

Local Docker Repositories

A local Docker repository is where you can deploy and host your internal Docker images. It is, in effect, a Docker registry able to host collections of tagged Docker images which are your Docker Repositories. Once your images are hosted, you can exercise fine-grained access control, and share them across your organization through replication or by being proxied by repositories in other Artifactory instances.

To define a local Docker repository:

  1. From theAdministrationmodule, selectRepositories|Repositories|Local.
  2. ClickNew Local Repositoryand selectDockerfrom theSelect Package Typedialog.
  3. Set theRepository Key, and in the Docker Settings section, selectV2as the Docker API version.

  4. SetMax Unique Tags. This specifies the maximum number of unique tags, per repository, that should be stored for a Docker image. Once the number of tags for an image exceeds this number, older tags will be removed. Leaving the field blank (default) means all tags will be stored.

Remote Docker Repositories

With Docker, you can proxy a remote Docker registry through remote repositories. ARemote Repositorydefined in Artifactory serves as a caching proxy for a registry managed at a remote URL such as is the Docker Hub), or even a Docker repository managed at a remote site by another instance of Artifactory.

Docker images requested from a remote repository are cached on demand. You can remove downloaded images from the remote repository cache, however, you can not manually push Docker images to a remote Docker repository.

Action Required to Prevent Docker Remote Registry Restrictions

In lieu of the latest Docker remote repository limitations enforced by Docker, anonymous users will be blocked when reachingthe download rate limit of 100 pulls per six hours.To prevent this from happening, you are required to authenticate with Docker Hub, by setting your Docker account user and password in yourRemote Docker Repositories.

To define a remote repository to proxy a remote Docker registry follow the steps below:

  1. From theAdministrationmodule, selectRepositories|Repositories|Remote.
  2. ClickNewRemoteRepositoryand selectDockerfrom theSelect Package Typedialog.
  3. In the Basic tab, set theRepository Keyvalue, and specify the URL to the remote registry in theURLfield.
    If you are proxying the Docker Hub, use the URL, and make sure theEnable Token Authenticationcheckbox is checked (these are the default settings).
  4. To use your Docker account type, you need to authenticate the Docker Hub pull requests, by setting your user and password in your basic Docker repository.
  5. 单击高级选项卡配置先进的Docker Repository settings you can enable Foreign Layers Caching to allow Artifactory to download foreign layers to a Docker remote repository.
  6. Select theEnable Foreign Layers Cachingcheckbox to allow Artifactory to download foreign layers to a Docker remote repository.
  7. You have an option to apply Patterns Allow List by setting Include patterns to match external URLs when trying to download foreign layers.

    Specify an Allow List of Ant-style path expressions that specify where foreign layers may be downloaded from. Supported expressions include (*,**,?).
    By default, this field is set to**which means that foreign layers may be downloaded from any external source.
    For example, specifying **/**will only allow downloading foreign layers from agithub.comhost.

  8. To configure the Network settings, seeNetwork Settings.
  9. ClickSave and Finish.

Docker Repository Path and Domain

When accessing a remote Docker repository through Artifactory, the repository URL must be prefixed withapi/dockerin the path.

For Example:


Virtual Docker Repositories

Artifactory supports virtual Docker Repositories. AVirtual Repositoriesdefined in Artifactory aggregates images from both local and remote repositories that are included in the virtual repositories.

This allows you to access images that are hosted locally on local Docker repositories, as well as remote images that are proxied by remote Docker repositories, and access all of them from a single URL defined for the virtual repository. Using virtual repositories can be very useful since users will continue to work with the virtual repository while the admin can manage the included repositories, replace the default deployment target and those changes will be transparent to the users.

To define a virtual Docker repository follow the steps below:

  1. From theAdministrationmodule, selectRepositories|Repositories|Virtual.
  2. ClickNew VirtualRepositoryand selectDockerfrom theSelect Package Typedialog.
  3. Set theRepository Keyvalue.
  4. Select the underlying local and remote Docker repositories to include under theRepositoriessection.
  5. You can optionally also configure yourDefault Deployment Repository.This is the repository to which Docker images uploaded to this virtual repository will be routed, and once this is configured, your virtual Docker repository is a fully-fledged Docker registry. Using the default deployment repository, you can set up your virtual repository to wrap a series of repositories that represent the stages of your pipeline, and thenpromote images从默认的部署存储库通过pipeline to production. Any repository that represents a stage in your pipeline within this virtual repository can be configured with permissions for authenticated or unauthenticated (anonymous) access according to your needs.

Resolve Latest Docker Image

To set your virtual Docker repositoryto pull Docker images according to their modification time, enableResolve Docker Tags By Latest Timestamp. This is useful inscenarios where two or more aggregated repositories contain the same tag name. For example,busybox:1.1.

When enabled, instead of fetching the image that is positioned higher in the resolution order in the virtual repository, Artifactory will return the Docker image last deployed to one of the aggregated repositories in the Virtual repository. Artifactory will first try to fetch the tag from the Local repositories according to the modification time, if not found, it will continue to try to fetch the image from the Remote repositories according to the resolution order.

这个功能对于多站点enviro非常有用nments where you create the same image on two different instances.


This can also be configured by setting theresolveDockerTagsByTimestampparameter to true (false by default) whencreating a new repositoryusing REST API.

Reverse Proxy Settings

Artifactory supports access to Docker registries either through a reverse proxy (using thesubdomain methodor throughport bindings), or usingdirect access.

When accessing through a reverse proxy, if you are using the ArtifactoryReverse Proxyconfiguration generator you can configure a Docker repository's reverse proxy settings under theAdvancedsettings tab.For details, please refer toDocker Reverse Proxy Settings.

Promoting Docker Images

Artifactory supports promoting Docker images from one Docker repository in Artifactory to another.

Promoting is useful when you need to move Docker images through different acceptance and testing stages, for example, from a development repository, through the different gateways all the way to production. Instead of rebuilding the image multiple times using promotion will ensure the image you will have in your production environment is the one built by your CI server and passed all the relevant tests.

Promotion can be triggered using the following endpoint with cURL:

POST api/docker//v2/promote { "targetRepo" : "", "dockerRepository" : "", "tag" : "", "targetTag" : "", "copy":  }


repoKey Source repository key
targetRepo The target repository to move or copy
dockerRepository The docker repository name to promote
tag An optional tag name to promote, if null - the entire docker repository will be promoted. Default:latest
targetTag The new tag that the image should have after being promoted if you want to
copy When true, a copy of the image is promoted. When false, the image is moved to the target repository

An example for promoting the docker imagejfrog/ubuntu"]with all of it's tags fromdocker-localtodocker-produsing cURL would be:

curl -i -uadmin:password -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"targetRepo":"docker-prod","dockerRepository":"jfrog/ubuntu"}'

Notice that the above example is executed through your reverse proxy. To go directly through Artifactory, you would execute this command as follows:

curl -i -uadmin:password -X POST "http://localhost:8080/artifactory/api/docker/docker-local/v2/promote" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"targetRepo":"docker-prod","dockerRepository":"jfrog/ubuntu"}'

The following example adds retagging with a specific version of thejfrog/ubuntuimage (4.9.0) being retagged tolatestas it gets promoted:

curl -i -uadmin:password -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"targetRepo":"docker-prod","dockerRepository":"jfrog/ubuntu", "tag" : "4.9.0", "targetTag" : "latest"}'

Pushing and Pulling Images

Set Me Up

To get the correspondingdocker pushanddocker pullcommands for any repository, go toArtifactory|Artifacts|Artifact Repository Browser, in theApplicationmodule, and clickSet Me Up.



Pushing Multi-Architecture Docker Images to Artifactory

JFrog Artifactory supports the following methods for pushing multi-architecture Docker images to a Docker Registry:

Pushing Docker Images One by One

Backward Compatibility

To learn how the standard Docker Pull REST API functions in Artifactory 7.21.2, seePushing Multi-Architecture Docker Images Using Docker Build.

You can push multi-architecture Docker images, using a 'Manifest Lists' file, (officially referred by Docker as the‘fat manifest file”),这对平台——引用的形象体现specific versions of an image. For more information, clickhere.

The process of pushing multi-architecture Docker images is similar to the standard Docker Push process, with a few exceptions:

  1. Each architecture gets a different tag.
  2. After all the architectures have been built and pushed, a single ‘fat manifest file' is created and contains all of the images with the relevant tagging.
  3. After pushing the'fatmanifest file', the images are published with the given tags.
$ docker build -t domain/docker/multiarch-image:amd64 --build-arg ARCH=amd64/ $ docker push domain/docker/multiarch-image:amd64 $ docker build -t domain_name: port/docker/multiarch-image:arm64 --build-arg ARCH=arm64/ $ docker push domain/docker/multiarch-image:arm64 $ docker manifest create \ domain_name:port1/docker/multiarch-image:tag \ --amend domain/docker/multiarch-image:amd64 \ --amend domain/docker/multiarch-image:arm64 \ $ docker manifest push domain/docker/multiarch-image:my-tag

Pushing Images in Bulk Using the Docker BuildxCLI

From Artifactory 7.21.2, theDocker buildxcommand is supported, allowing you to create and upload Docker ‘manifest lists’ to the Docker registry in Artifactory.Dockerbuildxallows you to build and push multi-architecture images using a single command instead of having to build and push each of the architecture images separately. For more information, seeWorking with buildx.

To support theDocker buildx, Artifactory saves each architecture of the image under the following path structure with the tagthat includes the originally published tag, the image operating system, and the image architecture.


The following example shows the Docker BuildX API usage.

docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 --tag domain/docker/multiarch-image:tag --output=type=image,push=true --push .

Pushing Multi-Architecture Docker Images Using Docker Build

From Artifactory version 7.21.2 and higher, if you continue to push multi-architecture Docker images usingDocker build, all your pushed images will be duplicated, and the architecture tag will be automatically added to each image.

In the following example, pushing the following images using Docker Build will result inArtifactory automatically duplicating the images and adding thelinuxtag to each image.

List Manifest
Image A
  1. Image A is pushed during the build.


  2. Artifactory duplicates the image and adds the'linux'tag.

Image B
  1. Image B si pushed during the build.

  2. Artifactory duplicates the image and adds the 'linux'tag.

Browsing Docker Repositories

For general information on how to browse repositories, please refer toBrowsing Artifactory.

TheDocker Infotab presents three sections:Tag Info,Docker Tag Visualization, andLabels.

Tag Info

Presents basic details about the selected tag.

Title The Docker tag name.

The tag's SHA 256 digest.

Total Size The total size of the image
Label Count

The number of labels attached to this tag.

Click the label count to view the attached labels at the bottom of the screen.

Docker Tag Visualization

This section maps the entire set of commands used to generate the selected tag along with the digest of the corresponding layer. Essentially, you would see the same series of commands usingdocker history.

You can select any layer of the image to view the following properties.

Symbol Property
The layer ID
The layer size
The timestamp when the layer was created
The command that created the layer

The digest


This section displays the labels attached to the image.

Docker Labels

Note also, that Artifactory extracts any labels associated with a Docker image and creates corresponding properties on themanifest.jsonfile which you can use to specify search parameters, this can be used to easily add additional metadata to any image.

Searching for Docker Images

You can search for Docker images by their name, tag or image digest using theArtifact Package Searchor through theREST API.

Listing Docker Images

Artifactory supports the following REST API endpoints related to Docker registries:

  • List Docker Imagesprovides a list of Docker images in the specified Artifactory Docker registry. This endpoint mimics the Docker_catalogREST API.
  • List Docker Tagsprovides a list of tags for the specified Docker image.

Artifactory also supports pagination for this endpoint.

To enable fetch from cache using theListDockerRepositoriesand theListDockerTagsREST APIs, set theartifactory.docker.catalogs.tags.fallback.fetch.remote.cachesystem property to true (default false) in the file:

## Enable fetch from cache in Docker repositories #artifactory.docker.catalogs.tags.fallback.fetch.remote.cache=true

Artifactory needs to be restarted for this change to take effect.

Deletion and Cleanup

Artifactory natively supports removing tags and repositories and complies with the Docker Hub spec.

Deletion of Docker tags and repositories automatically cleans up any orphan layers that are left (layers not used by any other tag/repository).

Currently, the Docker client does not support DELETE commands, but deletion can be triggered manually. To delete an entire Docker repository using cURL, execute the following command:

curl -u -X DELETE "/artifactory//"

Or for a specific tag version:

curl -u -X DELETE "/artifactory///"

For example, to remove the latest tag of an Ubuntu repository:

//Removing the latest tag from the "jfrog/ubuntu" repository curl -uadmin:password -X DELETE ""

Empty Directories

Any empty directories that are left following removal of a repository or tag will automatically be removed during the next folder pruning job (which occurs every 5 minutes by default).

Limiting Unique Tags

To avoid clutter and bloat in your Docker registries caused by many snapshots being uploaded for an image, set theMax Unique Tagsfield in theLocal Docker Repositoryconfiguration to limit the number of unique tags.

Docker Build Information

You may store exhaustive build information in Artifactory by running your Docker builds with JFrog CLI.

JFrog CLI collects build-info from your build agents and then publishes it to Artifactory. Once published, the build info can be viewed in theBuild BrowserunderBuilds.

For more details on Docker build integration using JFrog CLI, please refer toManaging Docker Imagesin the JFrog CLI User Guide.

Migrating from Docker V1 to Docker V2

If you are still using Docker V1, we strongly recommend upgrading to Docker V2. This requires that you migrate any Docker repositories that were created for Docker V1, and is done with a simple cURL endpoint.

For details, please refer toMigrating a V1 repository to V2under theUsing Docker V1documentation.

Using Docker V1?

This document shows how to use Artifactory with the Docker V2 . If you are using the Docker V1, please refer toUsing Docker V1.

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