在MyJFrog >中升级










  • 并行步骤
  • 读取和写入贯穿管道中不同步骤的变量
  • 读取和写入资源2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程
  • 设置环境变量


2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程资源:—name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_bag类型:PropertyBag配置:releaseVersion: "" {{if . values .repo. integrationname}} - name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_repo类型:GitRepo配置:路径:{{. values .repo. integrationname。getprovider: {{. values .repo. integrationname}}分支:包括:{{. values .repo. integrationname}}branchPattern}} {{end}} pipeline: - name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_hello_world steps: - name: first type: Bash {{if . values .repo. integrationname}} configuration: inputRe2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程sources: - name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_repo {{end}} execution: onStart: - echo "onStart可用于对依赖项进行一些设置或初始化,为执行做准备。"- echo "onExecute是你将发布构建/测试命令的主要部分" - jfrog——version {{if .Values.repo.integrationName}} - echo "{{.Values.namePrefix}}_repo sha is $(find_resource_variable {{.Values.namePrefix}}_repo commitSha)"{{end}} onSuccess: - echo " onStart或onExecute部分完成无错误时执行onSuccess "onFailure: - echo "onFailure如果onStart或onExecute结束失败或错误时执行onFailure ." onComplete: - echo "onComplete在onSuccess或onFailure后执行" - name: variable_selection type: Bash配置:inputSteps: - name: first environmentVariables: forceFail: default: "false" description: "set to 'true'强制步骤失败" values: - "false" - "true"执行:onStart: - if [${forceFail} == "true"];然后退出1;fi onExecute: - echo "This step will succeed" onFailure: - echo "step has failed." onSuccess: - echo "step has succeeded." onComplete: - echo "onComplete无论成功还是失败都会执行。forceFail is ${forceFail}" - name: add_run_variable type: Bash配置:inputSteps: - name:第一次执行:onStart: - echo "This step will save a value to a run variable." onExecute: - add_run_variables step_info="runNumber $run_number, step_name $step_name, pipeline_name $pipeline_name" - name: write_to_resource type: Bash配置:inputSteps: - name: add_run_variable - name: variable_selection outputResources: - name: {{. values . namepr2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程efix}}_bag执行:onStart:- echo "从上一步打印运行变量'step_info' " - echo "${step_info}" onExecute: - echo "更新资源{{.Values.namePrefix}}_bag与新的键/值对" - write_output {{.Values.namePrefix}}_bag "时间戳=$(日期+%s)"- write_output {{. values . nameprefix}}_bag "releaseVersion=${pipeline_name}。${run_number}" - write_output {{ .Values.namePrefix }}_bag "stepInfo=${step_info}" - name: read_from_resource type: Bash configuration: inputResources: - name: {{ .Values.namePrefix }}_bag execution: onExecute: - echo "printing resource details" - echo "Release Version is -- ${res_{{ .Values.namePrefix }}_bag_releaseVersion}" - echo "Release timestamp is -- ${res_{{ .Values.namePrefix }}_bag_timestamp}" - echo "Step Info is -- ${res_{{ .Values.namePrefix }}_bag_stepInfo}"


#该字符串将作为“HelloWorld”资源和管道的前缀。它将允许您使用唯一的名称多次添加管道namePrefix: intro如果您有一个想要进行实验的存储库,可以在这里添加它。在创建管道源之前,为其中一个源代码控制提供者创建一个集成,并将集成名称放在这里。integrationName: myGitIntegration #这是完整的存储库路径。通常是org/repo或user/ project#,这取决于你使用的源代码控件。# branchPattern是一个正则表达式,所以你可以监听所有的#特性,例如,使用"^feature. path "*",或者你可以#配置它为单个分支branchPattern: "^main$"





  • 一个Artifactory用于解决依赖关系和发布工件的集成
  • Git集成(比如GitHub),可以连接到您的Gradle项目
  • 解析器Artifactory存储库,从中解析依赖项


  • 要发布到的binaryTargetRepository Artifactory存储库
  • 作为GoBuild步骤的一部分运行的命令(“go”后面的部分)
  • 输出文件名


  • 要发布到的moduleTargetRepository Artifactory存储库
  • 一个版本



2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程资源:—name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_repo类型:GitRepo配置:路径:{{. values .repo。getprovider: {{. values .repo. pathgitIntegration}}分支:包括:{{. values .repo。如果. values . branchPattern | default "main"}} {{如果. values . goconfig . publishBuild}} {{binaryTargetRepository}} - name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_binary_info type: BuildInfo configuration: sourceArtifactory: {{. values . nameprefix}}artIntegration}} - name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_binary_spec type: FileSpec configuration: sourceArtifactory: {{. values . nameprefix}}artIntegration}}模式:` {{. values。binaryBuildSpecPattern | default "*"}}' buildName: ${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME} buildNumber: ${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER} {{end}} {{if . values . goconfig .{{如果。moduleTargetRepository}} - name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_module_info type: BuildInfo configuration: sourceArtifactory: {{. values . nameprefix}}artIntegration}} - name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_module_spec type: FileSpec configuration: sourceArtifactory: {{. values . nameprefix}}artIntegration}}模式:` {{. values。moduleBuildSpecPattern | default "*"}}' buildName: ${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME} buildNumber: ${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER} {{end}} {{end}}管线:- name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_go_ci步骤:{{if . values . goconfig . build_number: ${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER}binaryTargetRepository}} - name:构建类型:GoBuild配置:affinityGroup: {{. values . nameprefix}}_go_binary_ci environmentVariables: JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME: {{. values . nameprefix}}_go_binary_ci JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER: ${run_id}集成:—name: {{. values . nameprefix}}artIntegration}} inputR2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程esources:—name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_repo {{if . values . goconfig .command}} goCommand: {{. values . goconfig .command}} {{if . values . goconfig .command}} {{if . values . goconfig .command}}sourceLocation}} sourceLocation: {{. values . goconfig。如果. values . goconfig . sourceLocation}} {{end}} {{resolverRepo}} resolverRepo: {{. values . goconfig。如果. values . goconfig . resolverRepo}} {{end}} {{outputLocation}} outputLocation: {{. values . goconfig . outputLocation:outputLocation}} {{end}} {{if . values . goconfig . outputLocation}} {{outputFile}} outputFile: {{. values . goconfig . outputFile:outputFile}} {{end}} - name:发布类型:gopubblishbinary配置:affinityGroup: {{. values . nameprefix}}_go_binary_ci environmentVariables: JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME: {{. values . nameprefix}}_go_binary_ci JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER: ${run_id}集成:—name: {{. values . build_number: ${run_id}。artIntegration}} inputSteps: - name: build {{if . values . build {{publishBuild}} outputR2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程esources:—name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_binary_info—name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_binary_spec {{end}} {{if . values . nameprefix}}publishBuild}} autopubishbuildinfo: true {{end}} {{if和. values。scanBuild . values。publishBuild}} forceXrayScan: true {{end}} targetRepository: {{. values . goconfig。如果. values . binaryTargetRepository}} {{publishBuild }} execution: onSuccess: - write_output {{ .Values.namePrefix }}_binary_spec buildName="${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME}" - write_output {{ .Values.namePrefix }}_binary_spec buildNumber="${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER}" {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ if .Values.goConfig.moduleTargetRepository }} - name: module type: GoPublishModule configuration: environmentVariables: JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME: {{ .Values.namePrefix }}_go_module_ci JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER: ${run_id} integrations: - name: {{ .Values.artIntegration }} inputResources: - name: {{ .Values.namePrefix }}_repo {{ if .Values.publishBuild }} outputResources: - name: {{ .Values.namePrefix }}_module_info - name: {{ .Values.namePrefix }}_module_spec {{ end }} {{ if .Values.goConfig.sourceLocation }} sourceLocation: {{ .Values.goConfig.sourceLocation }} {{ end }} {{ if .Values.goConfig.version }} version: {{ .Values.goConfig.version }} {{ end }} targetRepository: {{ .Values.goConfig.moduleTargetRepository }} {{ if .Values.goConfig.resolverRepo }} resolverRepo: {{ .Values.goConfig.resolverRepo }} {{ end }} {{ if .Values.publishBuild }} autoPublishBuildInfo: true {{ end }} {{ if and .Values.scanBuild .Values.publishBuild }} forceXrayScan: true {{ end }} {{ if .Values.publishBuild }} execution: onSuccess: - write_output {{ .Values.namePrefix }}_module_spec buildName="${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME}" - write_output {{ .Values.namePrefix }}_module_spec buildNumber="${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER}" {{ end }} {{ end }}


##该字符串将作为资源和管道的前缀,允许您使用唯一的名称多次添2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程加##管道源。namePrefix: sample ##您的Artifactory集成的名称artIntegration: myArtIntegrationName ##### Artifactory构建信息##设置为“true”以发布构建#publishBuild: true ##设置为“true”以扫描已发布的构建#scanBuild: true ##当publishBuild启用时,将创建一个指向每个已发布构建的文件pec资源##。在这里,您可以指定一个模式##来进一步缩小由规范引用的工件的范围。binaryBuildSpecPattern过滤了由gopubishbinary步骤输出的文件。moduleBuildSpecPattern过滤了由gopubishmodule步骤输出的文件。#moduleBuildSpecPattern: "*" #####存储库详细信息repo: path: org/repo gitIntegration: myGitIntegration branchPattern: "^main$" goConfig: ###用于模块和二进制文件的设置:##源代码在存储库中的位置。命令将在这里执行。sourceLocation:“。”这个存储库,如果指定了,必须首先在Artifactory中创建。解析器用于解析依赖项。 It is recommended to ## use a remote repository so that any external dependencies will be cached ## in your local Artifactory instance. resolverRepo: go-remote ### Settings used only for GoBuild and GoPublishBinary: ## Required to use these steps, the repository to which to upload the binary. ## The repository must first be created in Artifactory. binaryTargetRepository: go-local ## Here you specify any additional arguments to the command to execute command: "build -o $outputLocation/$outputFile" outputLocation: "GoBuild" outputFile: "myOutputFile" ### Settings used only for GoPublishModule: ## Required to use this step, the repository to which to upload the module. ## The repository must first be created in Artifactory. moduleTargetRepository: go-local ## The version specified in the go-publish command. version: v1.0.${run_number}



  • 构建一个Gradle项目,并将生成的工件推送到Artifactory
  • 发布Artifactory构建并更新输出BuildInfo资源
  • 使用JFrog x射线扫描工件的安全漏洞
  • 写入输出文件规范资源可以连接到另一条管道。


  • 一个Artifactory用于解决依赖关系和发布工件的集成
  • Git集成(比如GitHub),可以连接到您的Gradle项目
  • 解析器和部署器Artifactory库
  • 作为GradleBuild步骤(“Gradle”后面的部分)的一部分运行的Gradle命令



2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程资源:—name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_repo类型:GitRepo配置:路径:{{. values .repo。getprovider: {{. values .repo. pathgitIntegration}}分支:包括:{{. values .repo。如果. values . branchPattern | default "main"}} {{publishBuild}} - name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_info类型:BuildInfo配置:sourceArtifactory: {{. values . nameprefix}}artIntegration}} - name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_spec type: FileSpec configuration: sourceArtifactory: {{. values . nameprefix}}artIntegration}}模式:` {{. values。buildSpecPattern | default "*"}}' buildName: ${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME} buildNumber: ${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER} {{end}}管线:- name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_gradle_ci {{if . values . build_name}}publishBuild}}配置:environmentVariables: readOnly: JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME: ${pipeline_name} JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER: ${run_id} {{end}}步骤:—name:构建类型:GradleBuild配置:集成:—name: {{. values。artIntegration}} inputR2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程esources:—name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_repo{{如果. values . nameprefix。publishBuild}} outputR2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程esources:—name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_info - name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_spec {{end}} {{if . values . nameprefix}}publishBuild}} autopubishbuildinfo: true {{end}} {{if和. values。scanBuild . values。publishBuild}} forceXrayScan: true {{end}} {{if . values . gradleconfig .command}} gradleccommand: {{. values . gradleconfig .command}} {{if . values . gradleconfig .command}} {{if . values . gradleconfig .command}}sourceLocation}} sourceLocation: {{. values . gradlecconfig . zip如果. values . sourceLocation}} {{end}} {{useWrapper}} useWrapper: true {{end}} {{if . values . gradlecconfig . if . value . gradlecconfig . if}} useWrapper: true {{end}}resolverRepo}} resolverRepo: {{. values . gradlecconfig . resolverRepo}}如果. values . resolverRepo}} {{end}} {{gradleConfig.deployerRepo }} deployerRepo: {{ .Values.gradleConfig.deployerRepo }} {{ end }} {{ if .Values.publishBuild }} execution: onSuccess: - write_output {{ .Values.namePrefix }}_spec buildName="${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME}" - write_output {{ .Values.namePrefix }}_spec buildNumber="${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER}" {{ end }}


##该字符串将作为资源和管道的前缀,允许您使用唯一的名称多次添2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程加##管道源。namePrefix: sample ##您的Artifactory集成的名称artIntegration: myArtIntegrationName ##### Artifactory构建信息##设置为“true”以发布构建#publishBuild: true ##设置为“true”以扫描已发布的构建#scanBuild: true ##当publishBuild启用时,将创建一个指向已发布构建的文件pec资源##。在这里你可以指定一个模式##来进一步缩小由规范引用的工件。#buildSpecPattern: "*" #####仓库详细信息repo: path: org/repo gitIntegration: myGitIntegration branchPattern: "^main$" ##### Gradle配置gradleConfig: ##在这里你指定命令来执行命令:"hello" sourceLocation: "。"这些存储库必须首先在Artifactory中创建。解析器用于解析依赖项。建议使用远程存储库,这样任何外部依赖关系都会被缓存到本地Artifactory实例中。部署器是您的Artifacts ##将被上传的地方。resolverRepo: Gradle -remote deployerRepo: Gradle -local ##如果你的项目使用Gradle Wrapper,设置useWrapper为true #useWrapper: true



  • 构建Maven项目并将结果工件推到Artifactory
  • 发布Artifactory构建并更新输出BuildInfo资源
  • 使用JFrog x射线扫描工件的安全漏洞
  • 写入输出文件规范资源可以连接到另一条管道


  • 一个Artifactory用于解决依赖关系和发布工件的集成
  • Git集成(比如GitHub),可以连接到您的Maven项目
  • 用于快照和发布的解析器和部署器Artifactory Maven存储库



2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程资源:—name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_repo类型:GitRepo配置:路径:{{. values .repo。getprovider: {{. values .repo. pathgitIntegration}}分支:包括:{{. values .repo。如果. values . branchPattern | default "main"}} {{publishBuild}} - name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_info类型:BuildInfo配置:sourceArtifactory: {{. values . nameprefix}}artIntegration}} - name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_spec type: FileSpec configuration: sourceArtifactory: {{. values . nameprefix}}artIntegration}}模式:` {{. values。buildSpecPattern | default "*"}}' buildName: ${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME} buildNumber: ${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER} {{end}}管线:- name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_maven_ci {{if . values . build_name}}publishBuild}}配置:environmentVariables: readOnly: JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME: ${pipeline_name} JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER: ${run_id} {{end}}步骤:—name:构建类型:MvnBuild配置:集成:—name: {{. values。artIntegration}} inputR2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程esources:—name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_repo{{如果. values . nameprefix。publishBuild}} outputR2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程esources:—name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_info - name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_spec autopubishbuildinfo: true {{end}} {{if和. values . nameprefix。scanBuild . values。publishBuild}} forceXrayScan: true {{end}} {{if . values . mavenconfig .command}} mvnCommand: {{. values . mavenconfig .command}} {{if . values . mavenconfig .command}} {{end}} {{if . values . mavenconfig .command}}sourceLocation}} sourceLocation: {{. values . mavenconfig。如果. values . mavenconfig . sourceLocation}} {{end}} {{resolverSnapshotRepo: {{. values . mavenconfig . resolverSnapshotRepo}}resolverSnapshotRepo}} {{end}} {{if . valuesemavenconfig .deployerSnapshotRepo}} deployerSnapshotRepo: {{. valuesemavenconfig .deployerSnapshotRepo}} {{end}} {{if . valuesmavenconfig . resolverSnapshotRepo}} {{if . valuesmavenconfig .deployerSnapshotRepo}} {{if . valuesmavenconfig .deployerSnapshotRepo}} {{resolverreleasereo}} resolverreleasereo: {{. values . mavenconfig . resolverreleasereo}}resolverReleaseRepo }} {{ end }} {{ if .Values.mavenConfig.deployerReleaseRepo }} deployerReleaseRepo: {{ .Values.mavenConfig.deployerReleaseRepo }} {{ end }} {{ if .Values.publishBuild }} execution: onSuccess: - write_output {{ .Values.namePrefix }}_spec buildName="${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME}" - write_output {{ .Values.namePrefix }}_spec buildNumber="${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER}" {{ end }}


##资源和管道的前缀2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程它将允许您使用唯一的名称从这个##模板中多次添加管道源。namePrefix: sample ##您的Artifactory集成的名称artIntegration: myArtIntegrationName ##### Artifactory构建信息##设置为“true”以发布构建#publishBuild: true ##设置为“true”以扫描已发布的构建#scanBuild: true ##当publishBuild启用时,将创建一个指向已发布构建的文件pec资源##。在这里你可以指定一个模式##来进一步缩小被规范引用的工件。#buildSpecPattern: "*" #####仓库详细信息repo: path: org/repo gitIntegration: myGitIntegration branchPattern: "^main$" ##### Maven配置mavenConfig: ##在这里你指定命令来执行命令:clean install sourceLocation: "MavenCI/sample-project" ##这些repo必须首先在Artifactory中创建。##解析器用于解析依赖项。建议使用远程存储库,这样任何外部依赖关系都会被缓存到本地Artifactory实例中。部署器是您的Artifacts ##将被上传的地方。resolverSnapshotRepo: maven-snapshot-remote resolverreleaserpo: maven-release-remote deployerSnapshotRepo: maven-snapshot-local deployerreleaserpo: maven-release-local



  • 构建一个npm项目,并将生成的工件推送到Artifactory
  • 发布Artifactory构建并更新输出BuildInfo资源
  • 使用JFrog x射线扫描工件的安全漏洞
  • 写入输出文件规范资源可以连接到另一条管道。


  • 一个Artifactory用于解决依赖关系和发布工件的集成
  • Git集成(比如GitHub),可以连接到你的NPM项目
  • 解析器和部署器Artifactory库

2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程资源:—name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_repo类型:GitRepo配置:路径:{{. values .repo。getprovider: {{. values .repo. pathgitIntegration}}分支:包括:{{. values .repo。如果. values . branchPattern | default "main"}} {{publishBuild}} - name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_info类型:BuildInfo配置:sourceArtifactory: {{. values . nameprefix}}artIntegration}} - name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_spec type: FileSpec configuration: sourceArtifactory: {{. values . nameprefix}}artIntegration}}模式:` {{. values。buildSpecPattern | default "*"}}' buildName: ${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME} buildNumber: ${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER} {{end}}管道:- name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_npm_ci配置:affinityGroup: {{. values . nameprefix}}_npm_ci {{if . values . build_name}}publishBuild}} environmentVariables: readOnly: JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME: ${pipeline_name} JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER: ${run_id} {{end}}步骤:—name:构建类型:NpmBuild配置:集成:—name: {{. values。artIntegration}} inputR2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程esources:—name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_repo {{if . values . npmconfig . npmconfig . artIntegration}} inputResources:—name: {{. values . nameprefix}npmArgs}} npmArgs: {{. values . npmconfig。如果. values . npmconfig . npmArgs}} {{end}} {{sourceLocation: {{. values . npmconfig . sourceLocation}}如果. values . npmconfig . sourceLocation}} {{end}} {{resolverRepo: {{. values . npmconfig . resolverRepo}}resolverRepo}} {{end}} - name:发布类型:NpmPublish配置:集成:—name: {{. values . conf . conf}}artIntegration}} inputSteps: - name: build {{if . values . build {{publishBuild}} outputR2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程esources:—name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_info - name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_spec {{end}} {{if . values . nameprefix}}publishBuild}} autopubishbuildinfo: true {{end}} {{if和. values。scanBuild . values。publishBuild}} forceXrayScan: true {{end}} {{if . values . npmconfig .deployerRepo}} deployerRepo: {{. values . npmconfig .deployerRepo}} {{end}} {{if . values . npmconfig .deployerRepo}}publishBuild }} execution: onSuccess: - write_output {{ .Values.namePrefix }}_spec buildName="${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME}" - write_output {{ .Values.namePrefix }}_spec buildNumber="${JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER}" {{ end }}


##该字符串将作为资源和管道的前缀,允许您使用唯一的名称多次添2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程加##管道源。namePrefix: sample ##您的Artifactory集成的名称artIntegration: myArtIntegrationName ##### Artifactory构建信息##设置为“true”以发布构建#publishBuild: true ##设置为“true”以扫描已发布的构建#scanBuild: true ##当publishBuild启用时,将创建一个指向已发布构建的文件pec资源##。#buildSpecPattern: "*" #####仓库详细信息repo: path: org/repo gitIntegration: myGitIntegration branchPattern: "^main$" npmConfig: ##在这里您可以指定执行npmArgs命令的任何额外参数:"——no-install" sourceLocation: "。"这些存储库必须首先在Artifactory中创建。解析器用于解析依赖项。建议使用远程存储库,这样任何外部依赖关系都会被缓存到本地Artifactory实例中。部署器是您的Artifacts ##将被上传的地方。resolverRepo: npm-remote deployerRepo: npm-local



  • 提升由另一个管道创建的Artifactory构建
  • 更新输出BuildInfo资源使用升级的构建信息
  • 可选地,使用签署了管道可以连接到另一条管道


2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程资源:—name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_promotedBuildInfo类型:BuildInfo配置:sourceArtifactory: {{. values . nameprefix}}artIntegration}} pipelines:—name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_promote_ci configuration: environmentVariables: readOnly: JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME: ${pipeline_name} JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER: ${run_id} steps:—name: promote type: PromoteBuild configuration: inputReso2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程urces:—name: {{. values . value . number: ${run_id}如果. values . inputBuildInfoResourceName}} {{inputBuildInfoResourceBranch}}分支:{{. values。inputBuildInfoResourceBranch}} {{end}} outputRes2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程ources:—name: {{. values . nameprefix}}_promotedBuildInfo targetRepository: {{. values . targetRepository。targetRepository}}{{如果. values。includeDependencies}} includeDependencies: {{. values。includeDependencies}} {{end}} {{if . values。status}}状态:{{. values。status}} {{end}} {{if . values .comment}} comment: {{. values .comment}} {{end}} {{if . values .comment。复制:{{. values。如果. values . copy}} {{end}} {{failOnValidate}} failOnValidate: {{. values。failOnValidate}} {{end}}


##该字符串将作为资源和管道的前缀,允许您使用唯一的名称多次添2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程加##管道源。namePrefix: sample ## Artifactory集成的名称artIntegration: myArtIntegrationName ##引用要提升的构建的BuildInfo资源的名称inputBuildInfoResourceName: myBuildInfo ##如果您的输入BuildInfo资源来自多分支管道源,并且##您希望使用来自另一个分支的资源,请指定该分支名称。# inputBuildInfoResourceBranch: myBranchToUseAsInput # # # # # # #促销信息的存储库,促进构建targetRepository: myPromotionRepo # #设置这个“真实”包括依赖性促进# includeDependencies:真正的# #设置这个“真实”复制和不动提升文件副本:真正的# #设置这个“真实”通过签署验证输入BuildInfo管道# failOnValidate:真正构建# # #促进状态状态:测试构建注释的提升注释:“由运行号${run_number}提升。”


DockerBuildAndPush模板创建一个管道,该管道从SCM存储库构建Docker映像,并将其推送到Docker注册表。本模板1.0.0版本使用的是JFrog CLI v1, 1.1.0版本使用的是JFrog CLI v2。模板版本1.0.0要求targetRepository而且sourceRepository设置(见模板自述)和模板版本1.1.0不使用这些设置。



2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程资源:- name: {{. values .GitRepo.name | default " gitre毛孔"}}类型:GitRepo配置:gitProvider: {{. values .GitRepo.name | default " gitre毛孔"}}gitProvider}}路径:{{. values . gitrepo。path}} {{- if或(. values . gitrepo .branches.include) (. values . gitrepo .branches.exclude)}}分支:{{- if . values . gitrepo .branches.include{{. values . gitrepo .branches. include}}if . values . gitrepo .branches. include}} {{- end}} {{- if . values . gitrepo .branches. include排除}}排除:{{. values . gitrepo .branches。排除}}{{- end}} {{- end}} - name: {{. values .Image.name |默认的“ImageRes”}}类型:镜像配置:注册表:{{. values .name。artifactoryIntegration}} imageName: {{. values . dockerbuild . dockerbuild . dockerbuild . dockerbuild . dockerbuild . dockerbuild。dockerImageName}} imageTag: {{. values . dockerbuild . dockerbuild。dockerImageTag | default "latest"}}自动刷新:{{. values . image . dockerImageTagautopull |默认true}}{{-如果。BuildInfo}} - name: {{ .Values.BuildInfo.name | default "BuildInfo" }} type: BuildInfo configuration: sourceArtifactory: {{ .Values.artifactoryIntegration }} buildName: {{ .Values.DockerPush.name | default "DockerPush" }} buildNumber: {{ .Values.BuildInfo.buildNumber | default 1 }} {{- end }} pipelines: - name: {{ .Values.Pipeline.name | default "Pipeline" }} configuration: jfrogCliVersion: 2 steps: - name: {{ .Values.DockerBuild.name | default "DockerBuild" }} type: DockerBuild configuration: affinityGroup: DockerBuildAndPush dockerFileLocation: {{ .Values.DockerBuild.dockerFileLocation | default "." | quote }} dockerFileName: {{ .Values.DockerBuild.dockerFileName | default "Dockerfile" }} dockerImageName: {{ .Values.DockerBuild.dockerImageName }} dockerImageTag: {{ .Values.DockerBuild.dockerImageTag }} inputResources: - name: {{ .Values.GitRepo.name | default "GitRepoRes" }} integrations: - name: {{ .Values.artifactoryIntegration }} - name: {{ .Values.DockerPush.name | default "DockerPush" }} type: DockerPush configuration: {{- if .Values.BuildInfo }} autoPublishBuildInfo: {{ .Values.BuildInfo.autoPublishBuildInfo | default true }} {{- end }} affinityGroup: DockerBuildAndPush integrations: - name: {{ .Values.artifactoryIntegration }} inputSteps: - name: {{ .Values.DockerBuild.name | default "DockerBuild" }} outputResources: - name: {{ .Values.Image.name | default "ImageRes" }} {{- if .Values.BuildInfo }} - name: {{ .Values.BuildInfo.name | default "BuildInfo" }} {{- end }}


GitRepo: # Required。name: fooGitRepo # GitRepo资源的名称。默认为gitre毛孔。gitProvider: github # Required。用于获取SCM的SCM集成的名称。存储库。path: jfrog/jfrog- pipes -simple-example #必选项。到SCM存储库的路径。分支:exclude: 'master' #正则表达式模式以排除分支。$ # Regex模式包含分支。 artifactoryIntegration: art # Required. Name of the artifactory integration using which the docker image will be pushed. Image: # Required. name: fooImage # Name of the Image resource. Defaults to ImageRes. autoPull: false # Defaults to true. DockerBuild: # Required. name: foobuild # Name of the DockerBuild step. Defaults to DockerBuild. dockerImageName: foo # Required. Name of the docker image getting built. dockerFileName: foo # Required. Name of the Dockerfile. dockerFileLocation: '.' # Required. Path to Dockerfile. dockerImageTag: ${run_number} # Name of the docker image tag. Defaults to latest. Pipeline: name: foo # Name of the pipeline. Defaults to Pipeline. DockerPush: # Required. name: foopush # Name of the DockerPush step. Defaults to DockerPush. BuildInfo: # Optional, if the BuildInfo needs to be published. autoPublishBuildInfo: true # Defaults to true. name: fooBuildInfo # Name of the BuildInfo resource. Defaults to BuildInfo.


HelmPublishAndDeploy模板创建了一个管道将Helm Chart发布到Artifactory中的Helm存储库,创建构建信息,提升构建,然后从提升的构建资源使用HelmDeploy本机的一步。本模板1.0.0版本使用的是JFrog CLI v1, 1.1.0版本使用的是JFrog CLI v2。

2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程资源:- name: {{. values .GitRepo.name | default " gitre毛孔"}}类型:GitRepo配置:gitProvider: {{. values .GitRepo.name | default " gitre毛孔"}}gitProvider}}路径:{{. values . gitrepo。path}} {{- if或(. values . gitrepo .branches.include) (. values . gitrepo .branches.exclude)}}分支:{{- if . values . gitrepo .branches.include{{. values . gitrepo .branches. include}}if . values . gitrepo .branches. include}} {{- end}} {{- if . values . gitrepo .branches. include排除}}排除:{{. values . gitrepo .branches。排除}}{{- end}} {{- end}} {{- if或(. values . gitrepo .files.include) (. values . gitrepo .files.exclude)}}文件:{{- if . values . gitrepo .files.exclude。包含:{{. values . gitrepo .files。if . values . gitrepo .files. include}} {{- end}} {{- if . values . gitrepo .files. include排除}}排除:{{. values . gitrepo .files。排除}}{{- end}} {{- end}} - name: {{. values .BuildInfo.name |默认的"BuildInfoRes"}}类型:BuildInfo配置:sourceArtifactory: {{. values .name。artifactoryIntegration}}{{-如果. values。BuildInfoPromoted }} - name: {{ .Values.BuildInfoPromoted.name | default "BuildInfoPromotedRes" }} type: BuildInfo configuration: sourceArtifactory: {{ .Values.artifactoryIntegration }} {{- end }} - name: {{ .Values.HelmChart.name | default "HelmChartRes" }} type: HelmChart configuration: sourceArtifactory: {{ .Values.artifactoryIntegration }} repository: {{ .Values.HelmChart.repository }} chart: {{ .Values.HelmChart.chartName }} version: {{ .Values.HelmChart.chartVersion }} pipelines: - name: {{ .Values.Pipeline.name | default "HelmDeployPipeline" }} configuration: jfrogCliVersion: 2 {{- if or (.Values.BuildInfo.buildName) (.Values.BuildInfo.buildNumber) }} environmentVariables: readOnly: {{- if .Values.BuildInfo.buildName }} JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME: {{ .Values.BuildInfo.buildName }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.BuildInfo.buildNumber }} JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER: {{ .Values.BuildInfo.buildNumber }} {{- end }} {{- end }} steps: - name: {{ .Values.HelmPublish.name | default "HelmPublish" }} type: HelmPublish configuration: helmVersion: {{ .Values.HelmChart.helmVersion | default 3 }} autoPublishBuildInfo: true chartPath: {{ .Values.HelmPublish.chartPath }} {{- if .Values.HelmPublish.flags }} flags: {{ .Values.HelmPublish.flags }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.HelmPublish.valueFilePaths }} valueFilePaths: {{- range $.Values.HelmPublish.valueFilePaths }} - {{ . }} {{- end }} {{- end }} lint: {{ .Values.HelmPublish.lint | default false }} {{- if .Values.HelmPublish.lintFlags }} lintFlags: {{ .Values.HelmPublish.lintFlags }} {{- end }} inputResources: - name: {{ .Values.GitRepo.name | default "GitRepoRes" }} outputResources: - name: {{ .Values.BuildInfo.name | default "BuildInfoRes" }} - name: {{ .Values.HelmChart.name | default "HelmChartRes" }} {{- if and (.Values.PromoteBuild) (.Values.BuildInfoPromoted) }} - name: {{ .Values.PromoteBuild.name | default "PromoteBuild" }} type: PromoteBuild configuration: copy: {{ .Values.PromoteBuild.copy | default false }} targetRepository: {{ .Values.PromoteBuild.targetRepository }} inputResources: - name: {{ .Values.BuildInfo.name | default "BuildInfoRes" }} trigger: {{ .Values.PromoteBuild.autoPromotion | default true }} outputResources: - name: {{ .Values.BuildInfoPromoted.name | default "BuildInfoPromotedRes" }} {{- end }} - name: {{ .Values.HelmDeploy.name | default "HelmDeploy" }} type: HelmDeploy configuration: {{- if .Values.HelmChart.namespace }} environmentVariables: HELM_NAMESPACE: {{ .Values.HelmChart.namespace }} {{- end }} integrations: - name: {{ .Values.kubernetesIntegration }} inputResources: {{- if and (.Values.PromoteBuild) (.Values.BuildInfoPromoted) }} - name: {{ .Values.BuildInfoPromoted.name | default "BuildInfoPromotedRes" }} {{- else }} - name: {{ .Values.BuildInfo.name | default "BuildInfoRes" }} {{- end }} chartPath: {{ .Values.HelmDeploy.chartPath }} chartName: {{ .Values.HelmChart.chartName }} chartVersion: {{ .Values.HelmChart.chartVersion }} helmVersion: {{ .Values.HelmChart.helmVersion | default 3 }} {{- if .Values.HelmDeploy.releaseName }} releaseName: {{ .Values.HelmDeploy.releaseName }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.HelmChart.namespace }} namespace: {{ .Values.HelmChart.namespace }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.HelmDeploy.flags }} flags: {{ .Values.HelmDeploy.flags }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.HelmDeploy.valueFilePaths }} valueFilePaths: {{- range $.Values.HelmDeploy.valueFilePaths }} - {{ . }} {{- end }} {{- end }} lint: {{ .Values.HelmDeploy.lint | default false }} {{- if .Values.HelmDeploy.lintFlags }} lintFlags: {{ .Values.HelmDeploy.lintFlags }} {{- end }} test: {{ .Values.HelmDeploy.test | default false }} {{- if .Values.HelmDeploy.testFlags }} testFlags: {{ .Values.HelmDeploy.testFlags }} {{- end }}
2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程资源:—名称:fooGitRepo类型:GitRepo配置:gitProvider: bb_benha路径:~benha/simplehelm分支:包括:主文件:包括:simplehelm。* - name: fooBuild type: BuildInfo configuration: sourceArtifactory: art_v - name: fooBuildPromote type: BuildInfo configuration: sourceArtifactory: art_v - name: fooHelmChart type: HelmChart configuration: sourceArtifactory: art_v repository: simplecharts chart: simplehelm version: 0.3.0 pipeline: - name: fooHelmDeploy configuration: environmentVariables: readOnly: JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NAME: foo JFROG_CLI_BUILD_NUMBER: '${run_number}' steps: - name: HelmPublish type: HelmPublish configuration:helmVersion: 3 autopubishbuildinfo: true chartPath: ./simplehelm lint: false inputR2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程esources: - name: fooGitRepo outputResources: - name: fooBuild - name: fooHelmChart - name: fooPromoteBuild type: PromoteBuild configuration: copy: false targetRepository: helm-promote inputResources: - name: fooBuildPromote - name: fooHelmDeploy type: HelmDeploy configuration: environmentVariables: HELM_NAMESPACE: pipe-master-pool integrations: - name:k8s input2022世界杯阿根廷预选赛赛程Resources:—name: fooBuildPromote chartPath:。chartName: simplehelm chartVersion: 0.3.0 helmVersion: 3 releaseName: 'simplehelm-${run_id}' flags: >-——force——wait——timeout 900s——set image。Repository = triplejay /simplehelm—set image。tag=latest valuefileppaths: - values。yaml lint: true lintFlags: '——strict'测试:true


artifactory_integration #必选。Artifactory集成的名称。kubernetesIntegration: kubernetes_integration #必选。Kubernetes集成的名称。GitRepo: # Required。name: fooGitRepo # GitRepo资源的名称。默认为gitre毛孔。gitProvider: github # Required。用于获取SCM存储库的SCM集成的名称。path: jfrog/jfrog- pipes -simple-example #必选项。 Path to the SCM repository. branches: # Optional. exclude: ^master$ # Regex pattern to exclude branches. include: ^{{gitBranch}}$ # Regex pattern to include branches. files: # Optional. exclude: ^fileName$ # Regex pattern to exclude files. include: ^fileName$ # Regex pattern to include files. BuildInfo: # Required. name: fooBuild # Name of the BuildInfo resource. Defaults to BuildInfoRes. buildName: foo # Optional. Name of the Artifactory Build that will be created. Defaults to $pipeline_name. buildNumber: $run_number # Optional. Number of the Artifactory Build that will be created. Defaults to $run_number. BuildInfoPromoted: # Optional. name: fooBuildInfoPromoted # Name of the promoted BuildInfo resource. Defaults to BuildInfoPromotedRes. autoPromotion: false # Optional. When set to false, indicates that Build promotion in the pipeline will be manually triggered. Defaults to true. HelmChart: # Required. name: fooHelmChart # Name of the HelmChart resource. Defaults to HelmChartRes. chartName: foo # Required. Helm chart name. chartVersion: 0.0.1 # Required. Helm chart version. repository: foo # Required. The name of the Helm repository in Artifactory. helmVersion: 3 # Optional. A number representing the major version of Helm to use. Defaults to 3. namespace: foo # Optional. Set the namespace used for the Helm operations. Only supported when used with Helm 3. Pipeline: # Optional. name: foo # Name of the pipeline. Defaults to HelmDeployPipeline. HelmPublish: # Required. name: HelmPublish # Name of the HelmPublish step. Defaults to HelmPublish. chartPath: '.' # Required. The path to the Helm chart YAML in the GitRepo resource. flags: '--app-version=foo' # Optional. Command line options to pass to the helm package command. lint: true # Optional. When set to true performs a lint to examine a Helm chart for possible issues. Defaults to false. lintFlags: '--strict' # Optional. Flag string to pass to the helm lint command. valueFilePaths: # Optional. Specifies values YAML file(s) that will be used in the lint command helm lint command. - values.yaml # Optional. An exmaple of how to add a values YAML file. - values2.yaml # Optional. An exmaple of how to add an additional values YAML file. PromoteBuild: # Optional. name: fooPromoteBuild # Name of the PromoteBuild step. Defaults to PromoteBuild. targetRepository: fooPromote # Required. The name of the repository in Artifactory to promote the build to. copy: false # Optional. When set to true, copies the artifacts to the targetRepository vs moving them to the targetRepository. Defaults to false. HelmDeploy: # Required. name: fooHelmDeploy # Name of the HelmDeploy step. Defaults to HelmDeploy. chartPath: '.' # Required. The path to the Helm chart YAML in the input BuildInfo resource. releaseName: foo # Required. The release name. Equivalent to the --name (-n) option of the helm install command. flags: '--wait --timeout 900s' # Optional. Command line options to pass to the helm upgrade command. lint: true # Optional. When set to true performs a lint to examine a Helm chart for possible issues. Defaults to false. lintFlags: '--strict' # Optional. Flag string to pass to the helm lint command. valueFilePaths: # Optional. Specifies values YAML file(s) for use with a --values (-f) option of the helm lint command. - values.yaml - values2.yaml test: true # Optional. When set to true performs a test to run the tests for release. Defaults to false. testFlags: # Optional. Flag string to pass to the helm test command.



  1. 在您的SCM存储库中,创建一个名为.jfrog-pipelines

  2. 在目录中,创建两个新文件:

    • pipelines.yml

    • values.yml

  3. pipelines.yml:在pipelines.yml文件:

    valuesFilePath:。/值。Yml包括:template: jfrog//


    • jfrog用于全局模板的预定义名称空间。这是强制性的,不能更改。
    • global_template_name要使用的全局模板的名称。去管道|扩展和模板然后点击模板t选项卡找到所有可用的预加载模板。
    • template_version要使用的模板的版本。去管道|扩展和模板然后点击模板选项卡可查找每个模板可用的版本。
    • valuesFilePath这条路在哪里values.yml文件被保存。
  4. values.yml:更新values.yml文件中包含正在使用的全局模板所需的值。有关更多信息,请参见例子values.yml文件
  5. 在JFrog平台中,转到管理→管道→管道源并将管道添加为管道源。有关更多信息,请参见添加管道源
  6. 应用程序→管道→我的管道→所有管道运行管道。



  1. 管理|管道|管道源,并单击添加管道源,从模板

  2. 完成结果选择模板形式:

    • 单击选择模板命名空间字段,并选择jfrog名称空间。
    • 单击选择模板名称字段,并选择DockerBuildAndPushHelmPublishAndDeploy全球模板。
    • 单击选择模板版本字段并为模板选择相关的版本。

  3. 点击下一个并完成结果指定值文件以添加values.yml文件。

    • 单击集成字段并选择您的源代码控件集成从下拉列表中。

    • 存储库全名字段时,输入存储库的路径values.yml存储。
    • 指定分支存储库(例如,).
    • 在Values文件路径字段中,提供values.yml文件,其中包含全局模板的值。默认情况下,该字段设置为从根目录获取文件。如果你的values.yml文件存放在不同的目录,请输入完整路径。



  4. 点击创建源来添加管道源。



  • 没有标签
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