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Artifactory 1.3.0-beta-6

We are pleased to announce the availability of Artifactory 1.3.0-beta-6.

Major Features and Changes in this Release

  • Artifactory is now fully configurable via the newly designed user interface!

  • Support for running Artifactory withMySqlfor greater scalability, performance and tools support.
  • Support for running Artifactory underWebsphere.
  • Install script for automatic set up under a dedicatedTomcatinstance.
  • Ability to remove deployed versions with all their sub-artifacts in one go.
  • Dynamic log tailing from the UI.
  • Global offline flag for disconnected environments.
  • Out of the box support for running standalone Artifactory as aWindows service(in additional to the existing Unix service installer).
  • UnifiedartadminCLI tool for all administrative tasks.
  • Greatly improved backup and restore speed.
  • Many internal performance and concurrency improvements.
  • The usual bug fixes.

Artifactory is available for immediate download fromhere.

Major Features and Changes in release 1.3.0-beta-5

  • In place incremental backup.
  • Performance improvements around security authentication and authorization.
  • Fixed a UI bug with remote repositories cache access control setup.

Major Features and Changes in release 1.3.0-beta-4

  • ImprovedLDAP Support- support for multiple DNs, for non-anonymous binding against MS Active Directory and for sub-tree searches.
  • Fixed a critical issue with deployment using the lightweight HTTP wagon (RTFACT-629).
  • UI and performance improvements and the usual bug fixes.

Major Features and Changes in release 1.3.0-beta-3

  • 集团的支持an intuitive powerful UI for groups management.
  • 改进的权限控制包括/ excluding specific repository paths (e.g. disallow certain users/groups from downloading sources). Simple management - no regexp gurus required.
  • Support for delete permission and for preventing users from overriding exiting artifacts.
  • Revised repository tree browsing using tabs and effective permissions per item view.
  • Improved import speed by committing binary imports asynchronously.
  • Improved#upgradeprocedure.
  • Better transaction management using Spring Modules for JCR.
  • Even faster in-place incremental backup.
  • Low-level admin-only direct WebDAV access to the underlying jackrabbit repository (use:http://localhost:8081/artifactory/jcr/default/to connect).
  • The usual bug fixes, stability and speed improvements.

The complete release notes from Jira are available here:


Artifactory 1.3.0-beta-6 is available for immediate downloadhere.


The Artifactory Team

Important Notes Before You Install

Please read this carefully before installing or upgrading:

  1. If you are running Artifactory under JDK 1.6 you MUST useJDK 1.6u4and above due to incompatibilities with older JAXB versions embedded in previous JDK 1.6 releases. JDK 1.5 users are not affected by this.
  2. If you have used a previous version of Artifactory it is highly recommended to:
    1. Use a fresh version of Artifactory from the distribution and not try to patch the previous installation.
    2. Clear your browser's cache before using this version.
  3. The default Artifactory user for the standalone installation has been changed toartifactory(而不是jetty). You might have to update the provided install script or your file system permissions accordingly.
  4. Artifactory now includes a convenience method for specifying system properties. Instead of having to configure properties in the runtime configuration of the hosting container, you can now edit the$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc/artifactory.propertiesfile and restart the container. As this affects the whole container VM it is recommended to use this feature for specifying Artifactory related properties only (such as repository ids substitution, etc.).
  5. Please note that not all documentation has been updated yet to reflect the latest changes in this beta release.

Below is important information that will make it into the final Artifactory 1.3.0 documentation.


请参考Installingsection of the current user guide, which still applies.

Upgrading from 1.2.2-rc0 through 1.3.0-beta-5

To upgrade from older versions you first need to dump the data from you old Artifactory into a 1.3 compatible format and then import it to the new Artifactory.
We expect that with 1.3.0 and above upgrading can be done directly on an existing repository without the need to export it first.

Dumping the old version

Since Artifactory 1.3.0-beta-5, JFrog merged theartdumptool with the main CLI administration tool:artadmin- creating the CLI "dump" command.
Theartadmintool can be found inside thebinartifactory-cli-1.3.x.ziparchive, downloadable fromhere.

Important Information for Running the Dump
  1. By default, cached repositories (e.g. repo1) arenot exported. To export cached repositories pass the--cachesparameter.
  2. You should shut down the old Artifactory before executing the export.
  3. It is recommended to work on a copy of the old$ARTIFACTORY_HOMEfolder (even though the export should be a read only process).
  4. If you do not specify a destination folder with--destoption, the dump command will create atmpExportfolder under the current execution directory, where it will export all the data from your old Artifactory.

Step by Step Instructions

Here are step by step instructions for running the full upgrade process:

  1. Stop the old Artifactory.
  2. Optional: Copy the$ARTIFACTORY_HOMEfolder to a new location.
  3. If you created a copy and wish the old Artifactory to keep serving requests while performing the export, you can start it now.
  4. Execute the#artadmindumpcommand on the old$ARTIFACTORY_HOMEor on a copy of it, by runningartadmin dump $ARTIFACTORY_HOME(This will generate atmpExportfolder if you did not specify a destination folder with--destoption).
  5. Perform a new clean server installation of Artifactory 1.3. It should not contain repository data or your customized version of the Artifactory configuration xml file.
  6. Start Artifactory 1.3. Note: If in step 3 you chose to restart your old Artifactory and you installed the Artifactory 1.3 on the same machine, you will need to alter the listening port number inside$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc/jetty.xml. It is also highly recommended to use a different port in order to perform the upgrade on a "silent" instance that is not being hit by user requests in parallel.
  7. The import can be done in 2 ways:
    • Import with theartadmincommand line (highly recommended):
      1. Executeartadmin importtmpExport--username username --password password.
      2. Theartadminoutput will display the progress of the import. NOTE: If theartadminprocess is killed, the import will still run in Artifactory.
    • Import via the Web UI:
      1. Logon with admin/password credentials, click the "Admin" tab and choose "System" from the "Import & Export" sub-menu on the left.
      2. Enter the export directory into the "System zip file or directory" field in the "Import System" field-set and click the "Import" button.
      3. The import will run and may take some time to complete (depending on the size of your database).
  8. Once the import process completes successfully you can switch to using Artifactory 1.3. You can go back to use the old port number (if you changed it in step 6).

    Important information about the import process

    During the import binary artifacts are copied over into a working copy and are imported into Arifactory in by a background thread. This speeds up the import process dramatically and makes Artifactory ready for serving requests as soon as possible. The background import process will take some time to completes, depending on the size of your repository. During this time Artifactory might perform more slowly than usual, but it will still serve any artifact immediately. The log does provide visible information about the progress of this process.

    Repeating the upgrade process

    Should you wish to repeat the upgrade process from scratch, make sure to remove the$ARTIFACTORY_HOME/datafolder from your new Artifactory installation before doing so.

artadmin dumpcommand line usage:
usage: dump [Artifactory home folder] ... Artifactory will try to automcatically determine the previous version from $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/webapps/artifactory.war if present. If the war file cannot be found at this location, please do one of the following: 1) link or copy it at this location, or pass the version. 2) pass one of the following version as second parameter: 1.2.2-rc0 1.2.2-rc1 1.2.2-rc2 1.2.2 1.2.5-rc0 1.2.5-rc1 1.2.5-rc2 1.2.5-rc3 1.2.5-rc4 1.2.5-rc5 1.2.5-rc6 1.2.5 1.2.5u1 1.3.0-beta-1 1.3.0-beta-2 1.3.0-beta-3 1.3.0-beta-4 1.3.0-beta-5 Valid options: --dest [destination folder]: the destination folder for the new export files. Default value: tmpExport --version [version name]: the actual version of the old Artifactory if the Update Manager cannot find it --caches: include cached repositories in the export (by default caches are not exported). If repo option is passed this option will be ignored --security: only export the security file from DB, and set the norepo flag --repo [repo names separated by ':']: export only a specified list of repositories. Default value: all-non-cached --norepo: does not export the repositories, just convert config and security --convert: activate the Local and Virtual repository names conversion --noconvert: does not activate the Local and Virtual repository names conversion during a full export
artadmin importcommand line usage:
usage: import [import from path] ... Valid options: --ssl: Activate https instead of http. Default is false --server [the server host or ip]: The remote Artifactory server IP or host name with optional port number. The default is localhost:8081 --timeout [timeout in seconds]: Set the timeout of the HTTP connection. --url [root url to rest api]: The root URL of the Artifactry REST API. The default is http://[servername]/artifactory/api --username [username]: Optional username to use when connecting to the remote Artifactory --password [password]: The users's clear text password --noMetadata: Exclude metadata information when importing/exporting --symlinks: Use symbolic links to the original import path file (no file copying) --syncImport: Import directly into Artifactory without using the background import process --verbose: display maximum details --failFast: fail at first error --failIfEmpty: fail at empty directories

Options for the import process

  • When used with the--symlinksoption, the import process can perform much faster (usually by a factor of 3-5). Note that when using this option your imported path effectively becomes an integral part of Artifactory and you should not move/remove it until the background import process has completed. This is indicated by the log message:Working copy commit done (0 files).
  • When using external database (like MySql) it is recommended to deactivate the working copy mechanism. To do this, use the--syncImport.

artadmincommand line usage:
Usage: artadmin  [arg] [options] Type 'artadmin help ' for help on a specific command. Available commands: help: The help message info: Get system information export: Export artifactory data to destination path import: Import full system from import path dump: Dump the database of an older version of Artifactory compress: Compress the database tables in order to free up disk space.
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