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We are pleased to announce the availability of Artifactory 2.5.1!

Important improvements and fixes included in this minor release are:

  1. Maven indexer can now be triggered based on a cron expression
  2. All zip-compatible archives can now be searched (previously was limited to jars)
  3. New tab displaying NuGet package information (extracted from its embedded nuspec file)
  4. Replication no longer aborts on failure to replicate a single artifact
  5. Fixed empty response when list-browsing repositories with a short name

For a complete list of resolved issues in this version please see theJIRA.

Artifactory Pro 2.5.1 free trialis available forimmediate download.
The Artifactory OSS 2.5 is available fromJFrog's web siteor directly fromSourceForge.

Instructions for upgrading to 2.5.1 from previous versions can be foundhere.

Enjoy Artifactory!

The Artifactory Team

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