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April 12, 2015

We are pleased to announce the availability of Artifactory 3.6!

In addition to implementingmany bug fixes and minor improvements, t释放他介绍几个重要的特性updates to Artifactory:

VCS Repositories

Artifactory can now proxy version control systems enabling uniform access to your source files. This can simplify your build scripts while providing stable, reliable and secure access to your source code.

S3 Object Storage

For enterprise users, Artifactory fully supports the S3protocol for distributed file systems. This means your binary filestore can reside on the cloud giving you unlimited scalability, security and disaster recovery capabilities.

Bower Repositories (Beta)

Provision Bower packages directly from Artifactory to the Bower command line tool. Enjoy reliable and consistent access to remote Bower packages, and automatic calculation of metadata for Bower packages stored in our local repositories. Access multiple Bower registries through a single URL.

Main Updates

This release includes the following main updates:

  1. VCS Repositories
  2. S3 Object Storage(requires an enterprise license)
  3. Bower Repositories(beta)
  4. NuGet license and vulnerabilities information added to theBlack Duck Code Center Integration
  5. Optimizations toAQL
  6. Push Docker Tag to Bintray

For a complete list of changes please refer to ourJIRA Release Notes.


Click to downloadArtifactory Pro Free Trial.

Click to downloadArtifactory OSS version.

Installation and Upgrade

For installation instructions please refer toInstalling Artifactory.

To upgrade to this release from your current installation please refer toUpgrading Artifactory.

(lightbulb)To receive automatic notifications whenever there is a new release of Artifactory, please watch us onBintray.

Enjoy Artifactory!
The Artifactory Team

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