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The following table lists the set of known issues in Artifactory including the version in which they were discovered, and the version in which they were fixed. Click the issue ID for full details in JIRA.

Issue ID Description Affected From Version Fix Version

When viewingSmart Remote Repositories in the tree browser, folders under the repository that contain a space in their names, will not expand.

RTFACT-8194 'docker pull' fails on remote repositories when 'Store Artifacts Locally' is disabled. 3.9.0

'npm install' fails when all of the following conditions occur together:

  • You are trying to resolve a scoped package from a virtual repository and,
  • The scoped package is actually hosted under one of the remote repositories aggregated by the virtual repository and,
  • That remote repository has'Store artifacts locally' disabled.
RTFACT-13004 When trying to retrieve an item's properties from Docker V2 repositories using the /api/storage REST API endpoint, a 401 error is returned to the client. 3.4.2

'docker pull' does not enforce include / exclude patterns on virtual Docker repositories.


Python metadata calculation will fail if the Python metadata version is set to 1.2 inside the METADATA or PKG-INFO files.


NuGet virtual repositories that aggregate more than one local or remote repository may omit results when searching for a package

RTFACT-10132 'NuGet install' does not enforce include / exclude patterns on virtual NuGet repositories 2.5.0


When all artifacts have been deleted from a folder, the folder is not pushed to the pruning queue even though it is empty, and is, therefore, not deleted.

RTFACT-12260 When performing a full system export on an instance with blacked out repositories, and then doing a corresponding import on a target instance, the content and metadata of the blacked out repositories are not imported. 2.0.0
RTFACT-12934 A Maven virtual repository does not return the correct latest snapshot if another package with the same version number exists in a different repository. 2.0.0
RTFACT-12959 Anonymous users cannot download folders even if anonymous access is enabled. 2.0.0

Uploading a file containing a dot in the target path will fail and a 500 error will be returned to the client

Note:Themaven-site-plugincreates upload URLs containing a dot. Therefore, uploading artifacts through the plugin is currently not supported

RTFACT-9343 Promoting Build Info that contains a dependency or an artifact that has the same checksum of an item that already exists may result in a race condition for the same target path. 2.0.0

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