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Artifactory provides a set of tools that allow you to monitor and maintain your system to keep it running and responsive:

  • System Informationlets you examine the various properties and parameters of your system at runtime and is a valuable resource when investigating any issues that may arise.
  • You canmonitor storageto查看number of artifacts and physical files in your system as well as the amount of space that they occupy.
  • Log fileslet you monitor all the activity that has occurred in your system
  • JMX Beanslet you monitor repositories, executor pools and storage
  • 你可以配置规律,周期maintenance operationsto manage resource allocation and free up disk space
  • You can define a regimen forcomplete system backup
  • You canimport and exportdata both at system level and repository level
  • You can monitor activity related to a specific artifact bydefining a watch

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