What to look for in an IoT device management platform

What to look for in an IoT device management platform

According to Statista, IoT devices are predicted to triple to 29 billion devices worldwide by 2030. Given this, it’s no surprise that there are many startups and large companies eager to offer solutions to help manage all these devices. But when it comes to choosing the right solution to manage your growing device fleet, there…
Customer Success Story: Computer Vision Company

Customer Success Story: Computer Vision Company

AI Powered Computer Vision Company Scales IoT Fleet With JFrog Connect COMPANY A machine vision industrial automation company offers real-time quality inspection making fabric production more efficient by automatically detecting defects early in the manufacturing process. Focused on bringing quality control automation to the textile industry, this company provides cutting edge AI technology to this…
Customer Success Story: Manufacturing Automation

Customer Success Story: Manufacturing Automation

JFrogConnect Centralizes and Automates Remote Fleet Management Company This company makes industrial programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and has 2,500+ customers across the world who use their products in prototyping and production environments. Challenges Updating software in Linux-based industrial controllers in the field requires multiple steps and addressing complex scenarios. The company was looking for…
Customer Success Story: Telehealth

Customer Success Story: Telehealth

Telehealth company manages global IoT fleet with JFrog Connect Company This leading online telehealth company is at the forefront of developing telemedicine technology that facilitates connections between patients and doctors while making access to remote, online healthcare easier. The company’s clientele is extensive, spanning across the globe, and operating in a highly regulated healthcare industry…
What is JFrog Connect?

What is JFrog Connect?

As IoT moves into mainstream, more and more projects graduate from proof of concept (PoC) to production. This is when IoT security and deployment become growing concerns. In fact, a recent survey found that IoT developers rank security (46%) and deployment (31%) among their top three concerns, up from 39% and 23%, respectively, the year…
JFrogConnect: DevOps for Edge and IoT Connected Devices

JFrogConnect: DevOps for Edge and IoT Connected Devices

The benefits of DevOps best practices are widely accepted when developing, deploying, and operating software in a data center environment. Companies fluent in modern software development methodologies won’t even consider deploying software without automation, software supply-chain security, continuous deployment, and visibility into the health of their production environment. Things often look different in edge and…
JFrogConnect Product Updates | February 2023

JFrogConnect Product Updates | February 2023

What’s new? Keep reading to discover the latest JFrog Connect product updates, including support for Docker Compose, flexible Update Parameters, 3rd party integrations, version filtering, and our most recent compliance certification. Docker Compose Sometimes the app running in an IOT device comprises several containers. These need to be updated together for the application to be…
Case Study: Ndustrial Expands Globally With Help From JFrog Connect

Case Study: Ndustrial Expands Globally With Help From JFrog Connect

Overview Ndustrial uses JFrog Connect to create innovative Internet of Things solutions for industrial operations that ultimately saves customers tens of thousands of dollars a day in energy costs. Company Ndustrial has helped clients avoid over $100 million in potential energy spend. They merged computer science and industrial engineering to build a real-time energy intelligence…
Maximizing Cost Efficiency with the JFrog Cloud DevOps Platform

Maximizing Cost Efficiency with the JFrog Cloud DevOps Platform

As businesses strive to keep up with the speed of digital transformation, they're turning to DevOps practices to help them automate the delivery of code changes. In a world where delivering secure quality software updates fast-drives business value, enter the JFrog Cloud DevOps Platform. The JFrog Platform unifies, accelerates, and secures your software delivery, from…
What Is Artifactory? | JFrog

What Is Artifactory? | JFrog

现代软件供应链是复杂的。JFroginternal data shows that most enterprises use 12+ package types and 90 percent of applications depend on open source software. Additionally, there is a wide array of tools to support the software development process, including Source Code Managers (SCMs), Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), CI/CD suites, and more.…